Please add resign button

Just to save a lot time after seeing another weird setup by a deadly broken matchmaking or afk players


I think being stuck with feeders, trolls and bots is part of the game’s identity. Removing it would be cutting out a part of the team experience, which is central to HOTS.


You’re mostly at the bottom numbers on the Heroes Profile Rating. That’s not the matchmaker’s fault.

Consider resigning Lunana. Or don’t and keep blaming someone else for your losses.
The world is your oyster.


When the game is like it is now then it is. Not 8 years ago when people actually played. Most competent players have already left years ago. Leaving you with only average good players or trolls. What a surrender button goes for then devs already said 8 years go they wont add one. And im sure they wont do it now either. Cant expect the players to not abuse it when they face a hero they dislike to play against. Then they will just afk in base to punish you for not doing what he want.


It’s exactly what I did, checking matches individually.
Sort by HP Score.

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Better check matches instead of a general result

You do know… your reasoning doesn’t make much sense, right? The player that wants rest to surrender will afk … so now, given they’re not punished, they won’t afk? LOL. If you want to fake playing, there’s nothing stopping you from doing it. In fact, it’s pretty easy to fake playing and still do better than the average player, and still guarantee a loss. Don’t ask me how I know :slight_smile:

Maybe you want to say ‘I imagine I am punishing the trolls by holding them hostage in a game we all know is lost (due to the troll)’. If it makes you feel better doing that, I see nothing wrong with it. I wouldn’t do it, but to each his own.

PS: I am sure they won’t add the button either. I am not really expecting anything more than some (random) balance patches, based on feedback or stats not available to the public. It’s mostly why I am sarcastic even on posts that have good ideas; good ideas are unlikely to be put to use. (not to say this is directed at the small group still patching hots; problem goes back to when hots had an actual hots team)

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Sure, under the following conditions:

  1. Pressing the button does not end the match and has no relevance for the other players.
  2. The player pressing the button can not rejoin.
  3. The player pressing the button can´t queue until the match is over.
  4. The match is counted as a loss for the player pressing the button, independently of it´s actual outcome.
  5. The player pressing the button is immediately set for leavers queue and needs to win 50% more games than usual to leave it.

yeesh you didn’t have to do him like that

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So, the quit game button?


No. Get good.

20 characters.


With point 5 as just deserts for people who asked for/use it.

I like your ideas, but I also think if someone hits a surrender button, all game modes are locked for that player for 1 day.


But why if the match can’t be won just due to setup or someone is trolling or staying afk?
For example, end match without any signs if at least 3 or 4 players of a team pressed the button.

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You have to understand 3 things:

  1. the people on the forum/ game say that this game is better than all other MOBAs. Asking for a feature that is in a more successful game creates a knee-jerk reaction.
  2. these people have also likely played the game for many years, despite all its problems. While you might see trolls, afks and bots as an issue, they’re likely immune to it. I know players who say they have fun and ‘get better’ even in 0/30 games. Whether they’re delulu or not, you’re unlikely to change their minds.
  3. the community is highly inert. Any change is strongly opposed.
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resign button will make this game better. blizard poor developpment want only ideas what decrease level of play down. So they only make ideas like worse draft or more lags

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For example, after playing Lunara for some time I noticed a strange thing.
In the vast majority of matches I have to play against a team with the same or bigger quantity of ranged dd heroes. Usually without tank or healer or both.
In this case it’s clear that burst wins over dot and all or most enemy heroes counters Lunara.
I don’t know why and if anyone else noticed such a thing. But such matches became just a tremendous waste of time even without afk players.

DOT heroes do fantastic vs no healer. they’re balanced around having a healer. But yes, a DOT hero that gets countered by both blinds and spell armor is underwhelming. She’s awkward, as she’s fast, squishy and short ranged, she’s supposed to kite but easily gets kited or poked.

Also I’d say no tank is kind of good for Lunara too. She’s not too strong autoing a single target, and she’s at risk of getting cc-ed to death. Thing is, even in no healer and tank scenario, Kael pyroblast, mephisto global ult outshine her kit.

I’d say with same game knowledge and the ability to hit at least half the spells, playing q hanzo with stun ult yields better results. But again, if you have more than 5 deaths in a lost match, it’s likely you misposition a lot; better play poke (non calamity ming) or self sustaining/mobile aa (fenix, raynor).

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Anyways, since knowing that Blizzard wants to make all players win rate about 50% it should happen that I can finally get a team, that can win. But no, after losing 30 matches I just continue to lose and I can’t say that I’m the worst in the team. For now such situation I have only on one hero.
So I think that possibility to surrender should be made in the game.

Having about a 50% chance to win is a consequence of balanced matchmaking and being paired against equal players. If your chances are significantly higher then it would mean you re up against noticeably weaker opponents.