Playing STORM L. solo is the worst experience i ever had with this game

pretty much that’s it.

I don’t know why, but for some reason I always get and afk’er, or a leaver, or a troll in draft pick like ever other match.

I don’t ever remember it being this bad before. did they change MMR ?


Good quality games are basically rng at this point and has been for a while.


Wait so drafts are worst than qm?

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Hmmm… I’ve been playing solo since I was Gold 4, and now I’m D1. Started this season at D4.
There are some terrible games and ugly streaks, but you have to learn to brush them off and move on past them and their frustration otherwise they will tilt you so bad you won’t even realize it until you find yourself losing rank after rank.


Dunno. I just finished my 5 remaining placement Matches and only 1 was a poor experience

1 in 5 in exceptionally high, it is a minuscule sample size regardless

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Yes, because people are not interested in counters to the enemy or see what the team needs, they simply choose what they want and that’s it. In conclusion ranked is a QM with draft so simple, but you lose more time for the draft.
Better save time and play QM, this game does not give to be competitive.


Solo queues have and always will be a coin flip that is why solo queue sux.
The sole thing blizz must do is hurry up and bring this solo prefered/option in SL.
Anything below 5v5 SL is inferior anyway and people should be aware of it.


So I’ve managed to go from Silver 5 to Gold 3 so far on my Asia account solo-queuing the vast majority of my games. With a few rare exceptions, at least 90% of my games after I got out of Silver were decent.

You probably just remember the bad games and ignore the good ones. Go create a hotslogs account, get the app, and start tracking your SL. You’ll learn a lot and probably be less jaded


SL has been really bad this season . so I can relate .

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I did 8 matches over the last week and can’t really complain. One or two went suboptimal, but the comps were usually at least okay.

All in all, this season works for me.

I agree, and as a new player, this is very frustrating.

Which is why I made this proposal:

It seems like unless you are truly good at this game, maybe Diamond level, you will have a tough time getting out of bronze. If you actually play at a Silver or Gold level, you could easily dip down to bronze or have trouble moving out of it, because every other game, someone throws the match or is incredibly toxic.

QM games are much more enjoyable than bronze games, and I feel that they reflect my true skill level better. I can track my improvements on a hero in QM, as maybe only 1 in 5-10 games have completely terrible players who throw the match, compared to 1 in 2-3 games in bronze. Even when I win in bronze, it doesn’t even feel like a real win, because someone on the other team was throwing the game.

QM is supposed to be the lottery mode, but honestly QM feels much more like a test of skills than Storm League bronze.

On my best heroes, I’ve a K/D ratio of ~1 and KDA ratio of ~5-6. I look at most other players in bronze and their K/D ratio is like 0.5 and KDA ratio is like 2.5 on their best heroes.

In bronze, everyone rages at you if you choose to reset from team fights when down a talent tier and down a hero. Everyone is always fighting to the death while having low mana and objective isn’t even up. Nobody soaks lanes… or sometimes they actually die at the PVE camps while objective is up.

In bronze, nearly every game you’re playing with headless chickens. In QM, it’s only once every few games.

Since I’m sampling all the heroes and I’m not mechanically good at any of them yet, so that’s not enough to carry the game. I think I’ll just stick with QM to get better mechanically. Until I can consistently get 5+ kills and no deaths in QM, I don’t think I want to play much Storm League.

The incentivization is bad for new players who want to get good. It’s amazing to see how many people are in bronze who aren’t new, but have a ton of level 50+ heroes, and they all have terrible KDA ratios and win rates.

I actually have some of my best experiences in QM games without healers and tanks. In these games, people don’t have anyone to blame. How well you do is purely based on how well you play. The results always feel fair in these games.

Maybe QM is better quality match making because I heard that there’s a leaver’s queue in QM, so maybe all the toxic players eventually get filtered out? In Storm League, they are just there every game in bronze.

There’s a problem of mediocre players who are trying their best being dragged down by toxic terrible players in Storm League. There’s also a problem of toxic mediocre players who think that they are pros.

The skill floor for enjoying (and winning) Storm League games is much higher than in QM. I think in a few more months, I should be able to move up the ranks pretty quickly, but I now know that you have to get really good mechanically at a few heroes with great wave clear and can secure kills, or it’s going to be a tedious process.

In bronze, everyone rages at you if you want to play double support or double tank. Nearly every game is 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 assassins. Chances are, 1 of your assassins will be okay, the other 2 will suicide and do less damage than your healer and tank. So to move out of bronze, you really have to be that one assassin that can get the kills and not die yourself.

QM is mostly enjoyable if you just do average or above average in games. But for Storm League to be enjoyable, you have to pretty much contribute as much value as 2 average bronze players in a game while being only one person. You have to not only play for yourself, but also do enough to completely offset the losses of the leaver or feeder on your team.

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QM matches you by Hero Level in addition to MMR. Ever since a patch in April 2016.

Therefore if you queue with a hero you are experienced on, you are being teamed up with people who are also experienced on the hero they selected for QM.

The matchmaking system will now account for each player’s Hero level in order to better define match quality and calculate win probabilities more accurately when attempting to create Quick Match games.

In ranked you have no such guarantees. In fact some people in Ranked are picking a level 1 or level 2 hero they barely have tested in Try Mode, leading to awful matches. (The only requirement to play Storm League now is to have an account that is lv50 total, and have access to 16 heroes)

I have only 2 heroes over level 10. I do pretty well in QM playing heroes I’ve only tried once in AI mode. I often the lowest total player level, and tend to have average to above average performance in most games when it’s not my first 3 games with a hero. In Storm League, everyone has way higher level than me. The issue with bronze isn’t that it’s full of noobs. It’s full of people who’ve been playing the game forever, but still haven’t learned how to play, yet still think that they are amazing. Major Dunning-Kruger effect.

It’s amazing how many people there are who’ve played 600 games with a hero and have an average Kill+Assist of 10, KDA ratio of 2.5, and win rate of 35%. I often do better than that in my first game ever trying a hero. I know I don’t know how to play the hero well, but it seems like some people think they are hot shots when they haven’t learned a single thing in 600 games.