Pit Lord//My wish and My Idea

The wc3 editor. The same one used to make the original dota

Id be more then happy to show you what little i know :stuck_out_tongue:

Does it make sense to use that over the SC2 engine?

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The sc2 editor is definitely more powerful but its not nearly as simple and takes a while to figure out

Either one works tho. Its way easier to make heroes with mobility in sc2 tho

oh ok.
I just have this Morphling concept. So I would just want access to like Zerg Larva model, and Roach, Hydra and Viper as well, and make it morph between these basically ;D
And ye the wonkiest ability is being able to infest an enemy hero so that you basically disappear but still ahve vision of the enemy hero while you’re inside them kinda

Man if I could also make like a HotS esc talent tree. That’d be amazing ;D

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You can import models in to either editor but sc2 might be less trigger heavy for that sorta thing

A talent tree is totaly possible. It would definitely require triggers tho.

So I’d need’a get coding for some of those abilities?

Talent tree is possible? Is that in both WC3 and SC2?
Like a WC3 talent tree would basically just have you push that red cross button and selecting abilities I guess. I can kinda see that working

Either would work. Wanna just add me on discord? Id be able to show you there.

Youd be suprised how much you can do with out triggers or codeing.

Triggers are like simplified coding but with less typing.

Hots was built using the sc2 engine so you can do jus about anything there that you.could do in hots


Bring mocky to the concept discord where we definitely talk about hero concepts and nothing else no sir

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Lol. Your welcome to join that to

oh, where do i reach that?
Or can i just give you my discord tag?
I remember triggers from the sc1 engine actually. That’s the one I’ve used the most.
I never coded, I just used triggers for everything back then lol

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This is super off-topic (Sorry Daylan) but the discord link is: https://discord.gg/6DjWgEv


Bliztrons link is the concept server.
Heres my personal one if you want that to Talking animals #9853

I’m in. My discord name is Broockle


Cool, well see you there :smiley:


are you trying to stop us from making friends?


No, but inviting friend must not done in Mannoroth concept, do it in another page.

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Lawl. A good address is 216 E Washington Ave, Jackson, MI 49201


You have… Such power!

Master Lord Godking Daylan please, master of sexuality, teach me sensei your ways of charisma, for you pour forth from your godly heart such gifts to this gaming event. Indeed, us too have siblings into giving you their accounts, to further your wish and idea and stuff. For it is a divine plan, according to the Father Daylan77, son of the beloved Shadowforst, whom together shall unite the entire world in heroes of the storm centralized government.

There is no room for money, peace, or free will under the holy reign of saint king Daylan the 77th. There is only a rain of demonic bolts, inspired from the depths of DOTA hell, whom he casts his enemies kethcup, ironymus, Sami, Kyyteo, and many others who question his divine authority.

This is the first decree of the book of Daylan. And I am but a humble prophet, brought from the nether world of LoL to bring you the good news of our savior, Daylan.

I have much to learn by studying the utterances of the man who’s trail I’m too unholy to touch.


This must be the good knowledge from the deep. Very well wordings within this content.