Perma armor guldan new meta

Who in their right mind thought permanent 50% spell armor on guldan was a good idea? This is one of those talents that if you pick it against the right comp you automatically win the game if you arent giga bad. Like he can literally run it down like a bruiser dealing monster damage. Part of the fun thing with mages is to 1v1 another mage, this battle is often very skill-based but with this talent of guldan the whole concept of skill goes out the window. And before you say ‘‘just dodge the Q bro’’, have you seen how big it gets? ‘‘Guldan just dont miss the Q bro’’ is a neutralizer of that arguement.

Its a good talent for sure but you gotta have something to compensate for guldan deleting his own health bar all the time. : p
Personally, im a fan of taking all the spell power and consume soul + health stone.


if by “the right comp” you mean hardly any of them, then sure, you can pretend that the idea is somehow broken outside of magebrawl.

Meanwhile, the magical secret tech of “permanent” armor doesn’t seem to deter any of the rest of the playable roster that outranges, outflanks, or out tanks a gul;dan that’s trading hits without his drain build.

It’s also not an outlier to have ‘permanent spell armor’ when Li-ming, probius, nova, nazeebo, cassia, fenix can do it too, and ya know, actually have slightly-more permanent armor. Pretty sure medivh can even grant perma armor now too…


That is kind of the point of some talents. Which is why when drafting against someone like Guldan you make sure to either take a lot of spell damage reduction yourself (as good as all his damage is from spells) or some heavy auto attacking heroes. 50 spell armor is worthless against Raynor, Tychus, Greymane, and the like and Guldan becomes near worthless if his damaged is reduced significantly.

Nazeebo has a similar talent at level 13.


Spell Armor means nothing against non-ability dmg (so AAs), and even against Abilities, 50% Armor is nothing against a proper focus.

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Gul’dan is a turret, so tbf I don’t thing the talent is that bad.

In 1v1 as a mage toon, you must evade all his stuff and punish every drain life, techically he can’t burst you so you don’t gonna die if you don’t over commit. Depending of your toon you will need multiple successful engages while he can punish you hard with only one, when he is around 1/4 hp then you can try to “burst him” like a regular mage fight after he used drain life. Usually is not worth it because in the best scenario he just portal even after you outplay him.

And no, as a mage don’t “AA him” or “focus harder” him with the 50 spell armor on…

The reason why the talent isn’t that problematic IMO is that Gul’dan rely on sustain and isn’t slippery, so in teamfights he is in constant pressure of correct positioning. The armor thing works best against poke or short engages, so damaging him (even as a not mage toon) without any real threat (team engage) is a waste of CD’s, but the armor don’t alleviate the positioning problem for him, so the gameplay is the same that if he picks any other talent in the row.

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Guldan is good at fighting other heroes, more news at 11.

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