Patch 41.2 : most insulting "balance" yet

“Samuro has become a bit of a nuisance for many players to deal with, particularly when playing against people who are competent in using Illusion Master. We’re reducing the power of Way of Illusion and Illusion Master, which should generally reduce the overall damage that Samuro can deal throughout the game.”

im no samuro player but…this is one of the greatest idiotic and insulting thing that has been pulled off in the patch notes history in order to appeal to the lower skilled players… you are nerfing a character’s skill because some people were good with it !? a skill requiring high skills in order to pull off the way good samuro players did, get nerfed because players that are “too good” are a nuisance to certain players ?! are you out of your mind ?.. again !? stop catering the game to lower skill players !

are we supposed to not play “too good” anymore to make sure you dont nerf everything we like ?! should i make sure we get at least a few extra death every game just to make sure you dont nerf my mains ? if i noticed im playing vs a low level player should i make sure to never kill them when they are out of position or making bad moves , should i make sure to purposely get hit by their skill shot so that they dont miss and they get discouraged and sad that they need to improve or is that “a nuisance” as well ?

is playing “good” a bad thing now ? is it a bad thing to promote self improvement and skills ? is this post going to be removed as well like a certain post that also got removed for saying something along the lines of " making friends online can lead to a positive game play" ?



Nah, thats Valeera release that started “unfun to play against”.


Should’ve phased it better but a player that is good at a hero does not mean the hero is balanced at high tiers of play.

EI, just because you’re a god at swapping clones and doing the hearth swap trick does not mean it’s fair.

That being said, I predicted a nerf after the lane changes took place because samuro is one of the few heroes that can not only merc but also soak safely into enemy territory.


If you’re roflstomping anyone - the matchmaker is not doing its job well. So, yes and no. No matter how godly your Samuro play, you should be matched with a team that can and will counter it at least 50% of the time.

It is pretty insulting… guess it shows the future of balancing with the pros gone.


I have been waiting for this as well. Knowing that IM was 6s before I even started playing him after the stealth changes… that must have been insane lol.

At first I was very worried reading over that IM change, thinking it was the end of clone hearthing. No, thank god. It just reduces the window from 3s to 1s, so when you do it, it’s basically all you are doing, you can still hit stuff while waiting for the hearth but you can’t greedily chase for 2.9s afterward if you randomly almost have a kill.

I have to test, but since the quest nerf is to the stacking component, I think it works out to be a nerf from 40–>30 on completion, which isn’t that bad. Coupled with the change to IM’s damage passive… it will hurt his fighting. But his splits will still be massive.


I liked release Samuro much better than the one we have now. He wasn’t OP, all you had to do was walk away from him. He was similar to Tracer in the fact that if you were in the wrong spot at the wrong time, he would kill you for it. He was a high DPS melee auto attacker; something this game lacked, and still lacks today.

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When the nerf to Diablo and his stun? Is absolutely op in every way, change his stun to skill shot and reduce the range blizz.

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I think it was more targeting the fact that for any good Samuro player those two talents were pretty much the only choices, especially if backed by Abauthur. At well over 1k DPS, he was not a joke to fight if your warriors could not stall or debuff him.

Someone needs to number crunch the new Way of Illusion to see how it stacks up against the extra procs from critical strike of Way of the Blade. It will still win with burst damage but how about sustained?


going in I’m feeling confident WoI/PP is still going to be the hot. The Korean-style build of Way of the Blade/Burning Blade was a very high waveclear build and useful as a dedicated sololane/splitpush hero who could contribute more to the fights post-13/16 with Shukuchi/Harsh Winds giving mobility and burst damage, but the focus is immensely on splitpushing. It’s possible that could become a relatively popular build path (again), which would actually exacerbate the frustrations that led to this nerf (shoutouts to Azgaz literal XD) but only half of them.

Because honestly, regarding the damage half of the complaints, if Samuro could earn his team a level lead, come 16 with a level lead, completed WoI/Phantom Pain + Harsh Winds and squishies without a good defense against blowup damage and SAMURO LITERALLY DESTROYS THEM IN 2.5 AUTOS, HAVE YOU SEEN IT? W resets the auto attack timer, so… the blowup happens very fast. Off of a potential double-gap-closer Q+E, out of stealth, like… This nerf has been coming.


i agree it started the whole “unfun to play against” train, but a nerf because some people play 'too good " thats something … lol

Remember when they gave a memey response to an abathur nerf?


I mean, people think it’s way harder than it is. It’s not skill to select some talents, press Q and E and then Whitemane dies in a little over 1 second from 80% health. You shouldn’t have a hero that can look at a safely-positioned backliner at 80% health and see an easy solo kill target. “THE LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE! THIS FAR, NO FURTHER!”
– Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard

EDIT: as a caveat, blowing both gapclosers to blow up someone in the backline only works if you actually get the kill in like 2-3 autos, which means you need to have a 2-3 level lead pre-changes. That’s like a 4-5 level lead for that to happen now, so… You know, I don’t know. I don’t like getting nerfed, I KNOW IT’S FOR THE BEST but I really wish they’d hit Phantom Pain or Harsh Winds, not his basic attack damage from Illusion Master ;'(


I get that part and many assassins can demolish a back liner too if they get their hand on it like ktz of kt sometimes. That doesnt take much skills to pull off depending on the situation . ive seen samuro 1v3 and still win , many would call this an OP character because of it but no. These people didnt got over powered, they got out played which is completely different. The samuro players ive seen who did that managed to dodge all important source of damage and constantly changed target while microing all 3 . they were pretty much playing god with illusions. There is nothing wrong by being beaten by someones who’s skill are superior to yours , in fact its something we should aspire to , to surpass yourself and to reach them , or to the very least not get outplayed like that again . in this case , its simply nerf because people had issues dealing with a good samuro player which i find insulting to dedicated samuro players who spend time and effort wanting to master illusions to that point. I dont see it as unbalance because to be able to dance around a group of people ,damaging them effectively all at once and on top of that keeping in mind each of their cool down in order to dodge everything is nothing simple and i did encountered a few samuro like that and i was always impressed by how much efective they were with it.

Im no pro player but i dont consider myself as a pushover either , but theses players completely surpassed me hands downs and i find it idiotic that the good players who decided to master something gets hit because too many low level player cried too much about it instead of respecting the skill behind it.

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A good samuro has no counterplay. Change my mind.


Tassadar with force wall xD
Even on release samuro who was broken as hell , that was my only character able to keep him in check lol
( also lighting build alarak loves samuro )

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Ive played so many games against Samuro Munky I simply stopped caring at some point. Just “shoo” him away, but never chase :stuck_out_tongue: His split is far more problematic.

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Give me the saw doctor.

Yeah that is the thing about him though if the fights aren’t favorable he can focus on map control and there is very little you’ll be able to do. All he needs to do at that point is wait for his powerspike at 16 and go ham.

Lower level players never cried foul of this, in fact many of them have never encountered a Diamond / Master level Samuro as evidenced by the threads asking how to even play him. This is purely something that only arose from Platinum - Master bracket where his winrate actually sees a difference, gold and below his winrate is trash.

Higher up, I’m at Asia-Korea server, it is not as if people necessarily complained about him too much outside of comps that involve Abathur, but they’ve evidently taken steps to rein in Abathur outside of this comp anyways. But at the same time when you encountered one you just kinda hope and pray that he’s not one of those one tricks that can carry games. Because honestly there isn’t much you can do since they can just wait till their power spike at 16 and just farm your lanes with his switching around and do quick hearths for healing / escape. Your best bet at that point was just to outplay the rest of his team, to prevent that level lead or going into late game (but they kinda made that more difficult to prevent thanks to the new XP changes).


Be careful, before you know it they will nerf skillshots, because it might be effective for people who can actually aim.