Paired up with idiots who cant combo

really wish I hadnt encountered people saying “you shouldnt pair up two bruisers in ranked we need a tank”… k last time i checked when i formed a complain there is no zerg tank people try to correct me saying that dehaka is a tank. If dehaka is a tank why do people complain about two bruisers…

this week i have encountered less people who cared about combos and when I found a chen i was excited to see if i can make 3 pandas and three vikings kill everyone nope. this chen chose the wrong talent.

bet lot of bronzies love march instead of entomb when i choose chen . I really want a scenario where i can have a leoric use entomb and i roll around leorics entomb but nope that dream fades very quickly.

I think ill try to find a way to take a break from blizzard games cause right now dead by daylight is calling me.

You’re fine posting in the Salt Mines. You’re not so special that your rage deserves its own thread.


Tank and bruiser are so blurred it is very difficult to make a distinction. Generally tanks are worse at damage and better at CC than bruisers. Some bruisers are less tough than tanks.

Dehaka is sort of in the middle, right at the edge of distinction. His toughness, mobility and CC is more what you would find on a tank, but his base damage is high enough he can function as a bruiser.

Honestly it is very difficult to classify heroes as tanks or bruisers. Thrall is a bruiser but he is quite squishy compared with Leoric and Dehaka. Muradin is a tank, but can be talented to deal bruiser tier damage far greater than E.T.C. or Stiches.

go find a duo. problem solved why bother making this post