Overwatch 2 on Steam (real)

I played this game since 2013 with 2000 hours.


Oh, it’s gonna be glorious. I might enjoy it as much, if not more, than when Back 4 Blood got demolished.

Edit: I am already engaging in the smack talk on the discussion page.

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I was going to make a thread about this when I saw the ad on Steam. Blizz trying to cash in on the F2P crowd that is overwhelmingly large on the Steam platform.

Why though? You’re still going to have to use their launcher, unless you grew another brain on top of the giant one you already have and know how to bypass their launcher.

Oh wait, you want to play HOTS on Steam deck don’t you…?

Please please devs if youre listening put hots on steam I swear it’s for the better.

We all bypass the launcher this is mainly for bringing new blood into the game.



Fixed that for you.


Yeah Hoku made a thread a while ago explaining how: How To "Fix" the Constant Update Loop Bug

As for the correction, I personally don’t care if the game makes money or not. I only want the population to grow, or at least stabilize. It means better games in the long run.


Bnet provides a service to sort everything into one app to launch, but the app itself is not required to run games at all, you can run HotS from a shortcut and will open the game, the game is completely independent from the launcher and will still need you to put email/password and even mobile verification if set up, completely separate, launching games from bnet helps to not make you do all that process again because the app forward your login token to the game, so it automatically logs in without the need to well… do it again.

You can set it up to shutdown bnet when a game runs which is what I do, and it will still work normally without the need for it, you can literally swap accounts while the bnet is open.

Like I said, its a service that is not needed because games do not rely on it, which means Steam at best, would only ask you for your account and it will save it in their DB and auto log you as needed, no launcher, no catches.

Been like this since the start and by start as in, literally since bnet’s own prime and I was like 3 years old back then with no brain, idk.



Apparently it was being discussed for a “long” time.


They’ve been working on this for months.



The number of negative reviews about B-A games will only grow. Making a screen :)))

You still here, trolling?

Critical acclaim scoring record low these days, it seems. Anyhow, getting HotS on Steam would be nice but I don’t really see it happening as it would be compared to Dota 2 even more than it already is. And spinning the game having neither funding nor active development into selling point takes more than a fair bit of effort.

Anyone comparing it to DotA 2 is kinda being an elitist about it considering there’s many other MOBAs on Steam too, let people have more choices, not less.


Pretty much anyone I see comparing dota 2 to a lot of things end up sounding elitist because they end up mentioning mechanics that aren’t beginner friendly, and wether they intend to or not, turn their comment into more of a hidden flex.


I wasn’t comparing HotS to Dota 2 in any other than marketing sense. Just stating, MOBAs being something of a niche genre, how hard it will probably be to get new players if one product gets ample financial support and the other is abandonware with a Blizzard tag.

Some will come of course but if Blizzard truly were interested in those users, they wouldn’t have left the title to languish dead in the launcher without so much as a word for two years.


Apologies if I sounded like I’m claiming you were as I wasn’t, I’m just speaking from a broader perspective because its a very common trope to compare games from similar genres.

There’s almost no loss in sharing a title to different markets, and Blizzard is not losing anything of value dropping HotS on Steam other than expanding the community and giving me an excuse to get a bunch of HotS emoticons.


In the lawsuit FTC vs Microsoft, Activision/Blizzard the FTC has dropped their complaint against the acquisition. Only the British counterpart hasn’t decided yet to allow the acquisition, but has insinuated also to drop their complaint when Microsoft is willing to take some actions to diminish the market inequality


Well i guess Hots will be released on GOG soon :smiley:

Just kidding, this is excellent news, my copium gauge is full ! :crossed_fingers:


Call me weird but I like the Battle.net client.

I like Steam but it is a bit of a clunker.

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Both are serviceable, but battle.net always having the better resolution in beta mode and the HotS upgrade bug are comical. Appearance is everything nowadays, substance is nothing and Bzzzd can’t even get some appearance stuff right

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At which part clunky.