OP vs. Broken vs. Busted vs. Godly/God-Tier

perhaps i should rephrase.

there is no way a hero should be able to fulfill mutliple roles at the start of the draft. this would break the entire game. varians ability to be busted is unique, but when heroes are recongnized outside their job description, this should be accounted for somehow. mutliclass should not exist. its a busted mechanic.

talent diversity is good, but too much talent diversity is OP. and thats half my QM games have a varian in it, and you know it.

i get what you tried to say here, but what i mean is the concept of a multiclass hero is busted. its literally the same thing, and there should be no such thing. i cant even believe anyone considered it possible.

this is broken, and that is why. shutting down a sgt hammer with a chromie is broken. period. broken shouldn’t mean uncounterable.

yea butcher is broken, he is either going to stomp your comp or be completely worthless, that is as broken as it gets. use your head man, butcher is BROKEN and needs to be FIXED. he can be the most OP hero in the world if you don’t have the right counters for him. even AI against itself could easily prove this. but he is so EASILY countered that he needs to be REWORKED in order to FIX the PROBLEM that he obviously has. butcher is by my definition according to you ABSOLUTELY BROKEN.

what are you talking about? its clear i tried really hard to explain what i mean, and it has logic too it. get real. i admit, failed when it came to ‘busted’ heroes though, but i fixed that oh yea i did.

A much better description, and one that probably is a large part of why we have not seen more multi-class heroes.
Granted, in QM it is nullified by Varian being considered a tank, and in draft it generally is obvious and the ability to chooses makes him an intresting (imo) hero when drafted early.

Forgetting Varian, as I made all my comments above… how does the fact that nearly every talent Valla has being viable make her OP?
Same with Falstad. His strength is not because nearly all of his talents are viable, but because of his inbuilt mount (and how gust can be imba).

I’m pretty sure once beetles are nerfed, Anub’arak will be similar. Almost all talents viable, but that isn’t why he is strong. It is due to cocoon having massive power swings.

Now, note that despite Cocoon being a “game breaker” at almost all levels of play per hotslogs looking at a couple months of data, Cocoon has a lower winrate then his other ultimate. Same for falstad’s Gust versus Hinterlands.

That is because despite the raw power, even at Master’s tier per hotslogs, they are not used ideally, or are not as strong as raw damage/healing.

perhaps I was unclear.

I am saying that OP’s post makes it seem like every single talent tier for falstad is perfectly balanced with every single talent being powerful. However, over the past month in Masters, level 1,level 4, level 13 and level 16 have single talents that hear near 50% pickrates. level 7 has one talent that is merely a 12% pickrate (compared to nearly 45% on both others) and level 20 seems to be the tier with the best balance of talent diversity.

Falstad himself isn’t really problematic so I don’t care all that much. sorry If I gave the impression that I thought anything Falstad related was problematic lol.

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I just wanted to be clear that having near/over 50% on a talent != non-competitive tier.

Just a level of nuance that you “lacked” (aka adding It in response to the OP would have been out of place, I would not have added the nuance myself).

i think it is important to admit my fault here, i know what im trying to say its just hard to get it out. what im basically trying to do is say that diversity = power in the draft, and that a hero that blurs the lines betweens roles in busting the seams of its job description. for example, sylvanas is an “Assassin” now, and Medivh is a “Support” now. this is really what I mean. doing 2 things at the same time is OP.

for example, medivh seems to be a support… but then he gets guardian of trisfal, and suddenly he can 1shot every wave? that is the perfect example of a busted mechanic, if it killed summons, mercs, and monsters that would be insanely busted. see what i mean? he goes from being a support to being a specialist if you give him too much power in that area. guardian of trisfal is a very, very strong talent at 20. and yes i know medivh is a specialist, but hes a support specialist? these things need to be properly tuned, in some cases they have not been. that is busted.

Ty for sharing your wisdom with all of us God-Tier Holo.


wormhole LUL
best zera players are playing W build :slight_smile:

Well this wasn’t worth reading :smiley:


over last 2 weeks (since patch) in master

u sure?

Well, I like the definitions, but I’m really not sure about the examples.

While it’s true a good D.va will never die, she has a host of dowsides that offer counterplay. Dehaka, Genji, and Li-Ming greatly benefit from killing her mech with their base kits, and others like Brightwing and Orphea can talent into benefiting from the psuedo-takedown. And she is also seriously lacking in seige damage, and is very easy to stack quests on. All this combines to tip the scales against her, despite her survivability.

master players are not even close to good zera players

Oh, so you’re one of those “nobody but gm #1 is good at the game” people, okay


its not about the rank its about who mains zera and plays him a lot

The only ops heroes in this game are undoubtedly all so-called specialists, all have mechanics that give them advantages over pure dpsing and all have a late game too strong.

Prove it… I see every top pro steamer with Wormhole.

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because its save build and easy to play and with cleave build u take void which is sometimes needed
but big boi zeras play W nerazim zera

D.Va’s 1v1 damage is a joke and any sort of character that can stay sticked enough on her can do the job quick especially when they have CC to use, exiting your mech is suicide against these type of heroes unless you are about to win it, I have seen low HP Zuljins do just fine against D.Va even Valeera doing a well timed blind and turning her completely useless for the whole duration even with GGWP equipped because they have burst down capabilities to throw on dva.

She’s not godly but it’s a very risky thing to do and only should be done when the target is legitimately about to die, otherwise go do your job and set up for defense matrix peels like you should have been doing.

MOBAs are damned to a single truth: the most satisfying thing to do is just %$#&ing delete your enemy with no recourse.


I never said she was a hypercarry???

In world is D.Va godly? You sure we are playing the same game?

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Release Leoric was pretty godly to me. Shin Leoric.
You also forgot to add “bugged” tier, Raynor hyperion was bugged for long time.