Only the players can make this game good again

[Only the players can make this game good again]


Yeah, that guy doesnt even post here anymore!

here’s the commune silencing stahlhardt who mostly pointed out that the community is totally in charge of the reputation and development of the game. 3 years ago now…

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This game didnt succeed because the devs didnt listen to the players.

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That doesn’t mean anything.

There is no single collective of people that play the game that share opinions, experiences or faults. The sort of players that aren’t informed don’t know what was stated, what was changed, and just loop the same thing to complain instead of contribute.

Maybe you could be better-read and realize that instead of repeating the same falsea-positives people spout to act like they offered something novel.


If only you know that 3 years later the OP would personally prove you right.

Prove what right ? That you wont get players on your team that wont throw a tandrum if you dont accept the surrender 2 min into the game ? If anything Hots players has proven so far is they will complain about almost everything and afk in base if you dont agree.

OP personally proved that most HotS players’ ideas will make the game worse by spamming the devs into pushing through his pet change to the portal camera.

Yet that poster’s ideas have not been received well by the majority here, or the “hive mind” as you prefer to call it.

I’ll let you in on a little secret, the majority of people who post here (like me) don’t belong to any Hots discords, or have any social interaction with the forum regulars, outside these forums.

On another note, even if Hots was in active development, it would be unproductive for Dev’s to make a poll for every new feature or change they are planning. I agree with you that the Medivh change wasn’t a good one, but eh, Hots is lucky to have any sort of development at the stage.

A bunch of this seems kind of like a non-sequitur to me. I don’t even know what to say. But yeah, the portal change was awful and an example of what happens when devs uncritically take player suggested changes to the game.

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The portal change was the solution to all of Medivh’s problems. Go play him so you realize that.

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It’s embarrassing that such an annoying change was made at the urging of a plat ranked QM player who always takes poly bomb and arcane charge and doesn’t even use portal mastery - a much better designed talent that doesn’t force changes on those who don’t want them, although PM is a change only a fool would forgo.

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Absurd, ridiculous and wow.

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Where’s the lie, though? Your heroesprofile tells the full story. Even the fact that you’ve hardly played him despite your dream change getting implemented is telling. I’ve actually played far more games with the change you’d been clamoring for than you have at this point. It’s still a pointless waste of time. There has never been a time when I wished to not reposition my camera to the other end of the portal.

It’s a stupid chore every Medivh player is now burdened with. Doubters can just refer to Fan’s stream. He always repositions except when he’s retreating and thinks he’s safe, which actually sometimes hurts him because an enemy surprises him there while his camera is away. He also sometimes is late on pressing space in high pressure moments.

The only people who think this change was good are mentally unwell players such as yourself who needed a scapegoat for their mediocrity and those who simply don’t play the hero well enough and don’t understand that 99% of the time when you think you’re perceiving more options than a better player, you’re wrong.

this post is proof that players have enough of a voice to get rid of bad features like ASAM

Nobody on these forums made threads requesting that mirror games be added back to ARAM. That was all done on Reddit, and that is how it always has been. These forums never received much official attention, so your ire is misdirected.

The change to Med’s talent, was requested by the OP over on Reddit, which is where you should be posting your complaints regarding ARAM, if you really want those complaints to be heard.

I mean to be fair, 90% of the discussions there also down voted for being pretty much bad takes, it’s no difference from here but with replies disagreeing.


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Holding other players in a gunpoint becasue of your ego is not proof.

Yes, I know, but the poster I was replying to, made the statement that posts made here, directly influence the one remaining Dev to make changes to Hots.

Other posters went further:

I recall no threads on this forum over the past few years requesting that mirror games be added back to ARAM, most of the discussion regarding MM was over on Reddit. I’m happy to be proven wrong, but I don’t think many of the recent changes made to Hots were directly influenced by any posts made here on these forums.


I appreciate your very eye-opening comments and i wish you as well as you wished me.

I requested this everywhere, all the time and incessantly.

me neither minkimus.