OK, tutor me on how to beat Qhira

Ive read a few threads about her, and i have cooled down a little.
So, lets have a constructive talk here:

How do i beat her as a very average player in QM?

Im asking this because in the past 2 weeks or so, i havent won a single game against a team with her, and havent lost a game with her on my team.
And every match that she isnt in is 1000% more enjoyable.
No, im not riding a bandwagon, i came to this forum because i was so frustrated
with her in the first place.

So, ive read a few times that “she isnt even that strong” and that you can “counter her easily”. I dont wanna discuss whether shes OP or not, but i would love if people could help me understand her better, and how to play around her.

IDK if you can see my profile/hero playtimes/etc.

Please enlighten me! :brain:


Cleanse, hard cc, dodge her abilities, don’t let her auto-attack you. If she misses her E she is screwed for like 16 seconds I believe, because her only other engage is her trait which is also her escape tool.

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Move unpredictably when she jumps on you, when you think she’s about to use her revolving sweep on you. Most often, Qhira players use it after her Q.
If you get caught nonetheless, move back so you can have a little more room to maneuver.
If your character has a Stasis or a self-Unstoppable effect, use it when Qhira is revolving around you, right when she’s behind you, so you can have a positional advantage (it will detach her from you on a really bad position). If you have a Chromie in your team, try to place yourself on a time trap. Personally, I’ll be more than happy to save you and help beat her up.
Most of her abilities are skillshots, so again, stay on the move between attacks and move unpredictably. I wouldn’t recommend 1v1ing her as a melee hero, as this is much easier with a bit of range.
Use burst against her, and don’t stay altogether in a pack because you’ll basically giving her an Ancestral healing by allowing her to stack up her bleed. CC works wonders when she’s out in the open after her revolving sweep.

As a Chromie / healer main, I don’t think about her as much of a problem, as my favourite heroes have plenty of tools to save their allies / themselves from her.

Make her call you daddy!


i gotta say the only heroes so far that i havent had much trouble against her personally were ranged assassins like li-ming and kaelthas.
we still lost all of those games because theres always a weak link that she can exploit, apparently.

i think what im struggling with the most is that shes so tanky. except for luring her behind towers, i dont see a way to punish her efficiently. like, with butcher i know after his rush he is easy fodder. but qhira has self heal, high HP, AND an escape.

There are certain things you need to tell first,
What heroes do you play mostly?
What is your SL rank? Bronze/Silver/Gold , wht?

Somethings you should know about QHIRA
Shes HUNTER (good duelist)

When Against QHIRA
DONT try 1v1 her even if shes half health, unless you can unload burst damage
DONT stand still when against her
DONT let her get her dots on you as much as possible

DO engage her with stuns or silences
DO bait her E n D (after that she has no escape for 10 to 15 seconds)
DO keep MOVING always, never stand still
DO stay near towers early game, her E will get her killed n lose confidence

Also, Qhira benefits more from the more people she has her dots on. In team fights, if she has 5 dots on 3 of your allies, she can heal half her health bar approximately, specially if one or 2 of your allies were below 50% health.

Even if you play with randoms, get a hero that can lane well, focus on laning early game, get ahead.

If some your teammates have stuns, keep your abilities ready to unload when she stunned or silenced.

Qhira punishes uncoordinated play. thts wht she is, BOUNTY HUNTER.
you 5 r separate = separate 5 kills for her, you 5 r coordinated = nightmare for qhira

Also, shes strong early game, late game shes not tht strong, just be sure to dodge her ulti. It has a casting voiceline or sound, and also animation. just make sure your not in the way.

Good Luck :slight_smile:

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Whoa, I don’t know if we need to go THAT far lmao.

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Play varian. He totally hard counters her.

Unlock ultra instinct.


oh well i literally dont play ranked. havent done a single ranked game in hots ever.
its just not my thing.

i try to play all heroes, but i would say my favorites are healers and ranged assassins. i dont really die that much to her, its more that… i dont know how to win against her in general. she seems to never die (especially when nobody bloody focuses anything other than johanna or muradin …)
when i play healer, i see my teammates die all the time and im the last one alive. same when i play ranged assassin, with the difference that i can sometimes get a sneaky kill on her. but then theres also the rest of her team.

like i said, i tend to compare her to butcher in my head, just that shes the much stronger version. they seem to be kinda similar to me. or amy i misinterpreting it?

Her PvE isn’t very strong, so your team should be able to out-macro hers.

sorry im not very accustomed to the terms used here, does PvE mean waveclear?

Wave clear, structure damage, boss races, camps, basically anything that isn’t a hero. In gaming terms, PvP is short for Player vs Player, and PvE is short for Player vs Environment.

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When they pick Qhira, i pick Tracer to dodge her abilities and poke her.

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thats your issue right there then.
Also, if you focus on heals, you can try heals with little cc
and some others can make issue with her.

Or, just stop playing random qm, make frends here in forum, party up, n play :slight_smile:

okay makes sense. so for example trying to overrun them with a lot of camps and laning works well generally? (of course its more complex, but as a baseline)
so that means heroes like zagara, murky, etc ?

also, whats the best course of action when i play healer? especially one without a cleanse? do i just hope that my teammates play smart enough?

(i always play with 1-3 friends in a premade btw, and i will of course share the wisdom with them :wink: )

if your the healer, and you have a tank player too, it shouldnt b a problem to cater qhira.

as soon as she jumps in, stun, root, n destroyed.

tanks can be mura diablo etc, to stun or peel for heroes.
healers tht wil work will wil b malfurion (but u need to b good with positioning to make use of him, but his root wil work gud with mura stun or diablo flip combo)
or, deckard, brightwing, with roots or polymorph.
while ur assassin takes her out, or forces her to retreat

do u play in EU ?

Yes, or global heroes like Falstad who can just be where she isn’t.

That is really going to depend on too many things, including what the other heroes on both teams happen to be. Heroes with a cleanse are always strong in QM, as are those with stuns or other hard CC. If you are playing a hero like Tyrande or Uther, save your stun for when she goes in, and hope that the rest of your team will follow up. Always try to stay near your most vulnerable team mates, and you can ping her to let your allies know that attacking her is a good idea.

If you do queue with friends, make sure one of them is willing and able to play one of the tankier bruisers, such as Varian, or a tank. A tank with CC, unstoppable, and wave clear is ideal, such as Johanna or Blaze. ETC also does well against her.

you play in EU too?
i have played a couple of games with catherina, shamisha, biochemikas, DrLogan n some others too,

Hope to play ghiski n u some day :slight_smile:
wanna feel like how it is to have a pro artanis/alarak by my side :smiley:

I have an EU account, but I mostly play NA. I don’t think gishki has anything on EU. I don’t play ranked on EU, because the lag always messes me up, but feel free to add me there regardless.