Ok, I'm going to make a pledge here

If you play alot buy stimpacks, I have almost every skin and hero already missing just varients of certain ones it’s worth it

ya i spent alot more when it was heroes 1.0. i spent atleast 10-15 a month on some sort of skin or new hero. now this is about all i play and feel bad so i buy a boost once a year when its on sale for black friday. gives u everything u need, plenty of gold for new heroes, crap ton of xp for loot boxes, then loot boxes give u shards for skins. 2.0 killed hots

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Been playing since kt release havent put a dollar into it. Did spend a little money on diablo because of this game however so could be worse. I just cannot justify paying for cosmetics. Theyre very nice but i don’t really care what my hero looks like.

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Just an update that I’ve been keeping up my pledge. (Forgot one month but made up for it)


I remember i used to spend a lot of money on chests when you could buy them for gems.

I was spending on average 5 euro each month. Pre 2.0.
Since 2.0 hit I think I bought the cheap gems once or twice…

The 2.0 and the approach of “give everything for free” was the worst idea ever. They should never try to overwatch hots and put lootboxes into it. I used to spend 10 euro to buy a legendary skin having 3 colors, when now can I just farm the shards and buy it.

Or maybe having something like a season pass in CoD would be a nice idea.

But I think it is already too late for that.