Oh yeah this game has music

It isn’t that it is bad, but the issue is too little of it stands out.

Sometimes i’ll Accidentally turn it on and I won’t notice until the couple of good tracks come on… and once those are done I turn off music. Mostly what seems to be Starcraft themed stuff.

The game desperately needs an option akin to what Starcraft 2 has. Let people have it play the soundtracks of other games.

This is something i’ve Been meaning (or perhaps I have) suggested before.

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I like the music in HOTS.

But the best song is without a doubt Hanamura 20B.

What are you talking about? HotS’ soundtrack is incredible. I’m a nut for orchestral metal, and this game has some of the best. Just a few favourites:


The alpha tracks were vastly better IMO.

This is still my favorite track.

It’s still in game as an inferior version.

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One of my faves. I really like music that has vocals or ones that play an ethereal tune but imo, League has better music :stuck_out_tongue:

X-files had a pretty neat intro, so i guess that is good ?!


Never listened to any LoL music, so i can not say anything about that.

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I keep forgetting that I can mute the in-game music and play other music.


Here’s a few of my top faves from League. They’re really good imo, but you be the judge ’ v ’

//PS: Dear Nexians, I am not really a fan of League in terms of gameplay, but I just really love the music they make. They may secretly be a music company kekku. I am still a Heroes player, and Valla & Sylv are still my baes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts://


While I feel like the music is just general fantasy style music, I do love League’s art style.


The old osts from before 2.0 were quite good. Everything started going downhill after they introduced Dva. Not sure what happened,maybe their composer focused on other games.