Official Nerf Hogger Thread

Hogger will most likely get buffed soon. But overall pretty fun to play.

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As an EU player I can tell you the patch is live.

Buffed??? How do you know already that he is weak on day 1?

Yea, I just won 3 as him (against a mirrored Hogger).


I haven’t been online (but I do play EU)

Well that’s my impression after playing him a few games (8 maybe). He looks weak overall and pretty easy to counter. Of course he does have a few very hard skill-cap plays.
I guess we’ll see where he stands when ppl learn to land/dodge the box-stun combo. That’s pretty much the only thing that can keep hogger afloat atm.

Ppl also seem to like the bomb build a lot, but IMO it’s very weak and by far the weakest way to play hogger (bomb just doesn’t do much dmg - you’re not going to turn him into jaina; and even with full 150 energy you can’t really spam those bombs).




has anyone noticed that hogger can use hogg wild to clear ANY merc camp

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So what’s OP about him?

The loudest shouts of all: “- stop the thief!” does shout the thief himself. A widespread concept in the West, by the way. No offense.

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This is confusing.

You’re calling me a troll for saying that a known troll is denying that they are a troll


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I don’t mean thou, but him. I just said the same as thou in other words. That is, I support thou :))


I get it now, makes sense :))

just stop trolling in my troll-free zone thread, ok :expressionless:

Vulture :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Honestly, I like your presence in this forum.

Excuse me, you’re not my mother and you can’t stop this rock and roll troll stroll.

If you want to style on a bunch of fly cats with that kinda no-no Negative Niadra attitude, you’re gonna have to bring some A-game power level.

Seems to hit like a freight train, but isn’t very sturdy. His whirlwind ranges from “worthless” to “Deathwing in 1 ability”.

Wait, wait. Shouldn’t Hogger be the all powerful? Shouldn’t he be overpowered, able to take on the entire enemy raid? :thinking:

Maybe that was done on purpose?:thinking:

Leoric OP? :frowning: