Nova Scouting Drone baseline?

Remember that old ability Raynor and Malf used to have. Basically same as eye of kilrog.

I was thinking since Nova is a sniper/special ops and all (and terran) it would make sense for her to have a scouting drone as her baseline kit. Gives her a little more utility to the team in the form of map awareness. Plus the asset is already in HOTS and not being used by any other heroes so no real dev work needed.

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Imo, out of everyone who lost their scouting drones. Morales should have kept theirs.


Lunara has one of her abilities as basically that. I don’t think nova deserves it added over her kit…when she has a shooting, chasing eye of kilrog. Maybe if you remove clone, or ‘1’, she can get a funny eyeball too.

They were removed long time ago cause it was too generic and people would not pick anything but scout if they could.

Sorry, but isnt her ability Holo Decoy essentially an improved version of a scouting drone, with less cooldown?

50% of the time I use it, it is to scout a bush, or vision/fog of war.


she already has her clones for this


Her clone with 50% cd reduction works like it but without the stealth reveal.

I like this idea too. Morales is another hero with no hard escape or unstoppable and low win/pick rate.

I think it makes more sense to make scouting drone a baseline ability than a talent, most people never picked it for a reason when it was in the game

I’ve posted suggestions to try to rework nova away from her clunky stealth-burst (anti-fun) build as non-stealth heroes beat her out on range, wombo, escape, etc etc but I don’t think a scouting drone fits so much with her current kit.

Decoy can be used for some scouting and misdirection, though there is room to get better ai/utility from how it works. Part of the issue of scout drones is that they indicate to the enemy side that they’ve been seen, which then semi-reveals nova in a way less useful than her clones.

It is somewhat of a similar issue with murky’s egg-scout talent in that the vision reveal gives away the egg’s position so the risk of setting an egg out from a base then draws enemies in to break the egg.

Tyrande had somewhat of a similar issue with her team-wide stealth + vision heroic indicating the looming ambush, though her ability was probably reworked to better suit a ‘full healer’ role instead of offsetting the ambush/reveal gimmick.

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The stealth reveal portion would seem a bit broken these days and unfair on any stealth vs stealth match-ups. She would dominate over all other stealth heroes.

Stealth vs Stealth is a bit of a dance where the stakes are high and whoever lands the opener generally controls the outcome. If you miss the opener, you are in a very vulnerable spot.