I’m no expert or anything, but this is not twitter.
Seriously lol.
I was and still am not happy with Garrosh’s role. I was expecting a heavy hitting bruiser. Gorehowl should hit like Gorehowl, not Snorehowl.
I am with you my friend.
You know nothing about protoss
This change is one of the best thing they did since alpha.
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Well this wont stop the tassadar changes sadly.
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Yeah great make everyone an assassin to respect their lore fantasy.
And people cry because of QM…
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I agree with this, and with the OP, i.e., making Tassadar a full-on mage-assassin is silly, since High Templar are fundamentally support/specialists.
Update: After even more PTR
This is only getting worse, I feel like im playing jaina
I don’t feel like im Tassadar anymore.