Nothing's happening with this game!

They did nothing but tell other players you played sad hero for x hours so you had gold enough to buy it. It meant nothing. And skins means even less now when they can all be bought for shards. If anything should be done is to make skins you can only get from ranked so you can truly show off your skills with the hero you play.

We need more ranked only items in this game that are exslusive for people who makes an effort into this game.

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I mean I get quite a bit of enjoyment out of it and it didn’t cost me anything.

I would have higher expectations if I paid for the game.

But I didn’t.


Nope dont play it. This game is losing players. look at que times.

Maybe because the game is free it’s just possible a new player will like it? What do they have to lose? It costs nothing. I’d like them to make the hero roster more available to new players, perhaps double the free hero rotation.

My point still stands though, just because you think there is no reason for new players to give HOTS a try, doesn’t mean you’re correct.

Why post here at all? It sounds like you have nothing good to say about HOTS and that you’ve moved on. Why be a ghost on the forums saying “boo, HOTS Ded!”?

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My understanding is that D2R is a graphics overlay based on the last patch (not the current one). Other than art assets (obviously) there are not any changes being made to the core game…yet. WR was a client overhaul.

Am I wrong?

The client is getting many changes over the current live 1.14d patch.

There will be an autogold feature, autoparty system, and mules will not exist since item stashes are going to be shared.

To quote the PCgamer article:

It’s a fully separate game: Diablo 2 classic remains untouched. Diablo 2: Resurrected is a separate game.

AI radius and some skill ranges will also be slightly different in Resurrected because the original game was made for those boxy 4:3 monitors.

Original Diablo co-creator David Brevik pointed out on Twitter that they may need to make “small modifications in the AI radius and skill ranges” because the original game was built for 4:3 displays.

Any future patches or fixes D2 Resurrected gets wont affect the original D2.


For me it meant something.
Now everyone is lvl 1500+ it means something else

Blizzcon 2018. They basically said that.

However they never said there won’t be new content, like they said for Sc2, and in HotS there really was new content. (side note 2 heroes a year + some reworks is slow as hack)

However, even if there is new content, it’s getting slower and slower, obviously more and more people stop caring about this game every day.

So the whole point of OP was that HotS basically deserves to go with dignity, like Sc2 did, instead of this, a slow and agonizing death, with Blizzard keeping to tease it’s fans.

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New player joins the game and goes to quick match and gets destroyed by smurfs and premades. Quits instantly.

The game play is fine. Its the match making and lack of dealing with these afks is the problem.

I mean would argue none of the blizzard games are really getting updates.

Overwatch has gotten no new content since they decided to make a sequel nobody asked for.

Wow dosent look like its getting patch 9.1 until July and people are paying a sub fee for that game.

Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 were brought around the back of the shed and shot a long time ago.

Hearthstone no clue as i dont play it.

I think hots does pretty well content wise for a game with reduced support


My friends (who had played other MOBA’s) invited me to HOTS just before launch. I got smashed in QM! It didn’t stop me from playing as I had realistic expectations that I can’t expect to master a game after a few matches.

They can’t have an exclusive new player queue anymore because players were waiting an hour, so new players are mixed with veteran accounts on the whole, so they can’t always be getting “crushed by smurfs” as you say.


A week or two ago you claimed you stopped playing Smite because as a new player you got crushed by smurfs. From my experience with declining competitive team-based multiplayer Blizzard games (Overwatch and this game) smurfing is a serious issue, but one that unlike other issues is difficult to conceive any solution for.

From what I’ve been told the game has indeed been “hard”-shelved. The stance is there literally aren’t resources for anything except a trickle of standard content, which of course won’t change anything. In my opinion this is bogus. The developers as well as the decision structure are unimaginative and more or less incompetent. But as is the case with incompetent people none of them would own failure or get out of their comfort zones. Incompetence is accompanied by debilitating stagnation and cowardice.

Unless the very nature of the people in charge changes the discussions on this forum are pointless. These people can’t be helped unless they help themselves.

Excuse me?
As far as I can tell, one of the main selling points of OW2 is a story campaign.
A lot of people asked for a story campaign in OW. It’s not a thing “nobody asked for”.
(I would argue it isn’t really a sequel either, though. More like an expansion :stuck_out_tongue:)

AFAIK Hearthstone is proceeding as it has pretty much always been: 3 expansions a year, and new game modes from time to time.
I think it currently gets the most “support” of all Blizzard games, as far as new content goes.

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This game matches randoms vs premades on purpose. They will not even try to put premades vs premades and that is pointless.

Sure some small prices are surely nice, but none needs them to play the game. Such items are luxury and most of them should only be obtainable for money.

I think they are waiting until the season is over to release new content. They even extended the season. Should see something in a week or two.

Oh and the developers even said they are working on more heroes and all the good stuff. That was from a recent Reddit post responding to negativity.


New talents and mini reworks for 5 heroes, I consider this a very good start (or middle?) for 2021. :+1:

Now there is definite proof there are at least a couple devs out there who still care.


you know what?
Blizzard is a dead company and a classic now!!!
Blizzard is long long dead, its just another EA!!!

Got Jaina’s and Tyrael’s on 2 separate accounts; that’s how much I love them.