Nothing's happening with this game!

Yes they do. Group with 4 other people, play 10 games, and see the result. WHen I play with 4 other friends, we often get matched with the same teams a few times.

I have. I got random all 10 games.

Stop the reworks. Waste of dev time

Not possible. :thinking:



It is possible. It happens more than you think

Why does everyone keep asking for sources? Look at the effort they put into this game before and after activision. That is all you need.

Because instead of saying “they abandoned this game”, you decided to go for “they said they gave up on this game”.
Who wouldn’t want to know when/where they said that? even if it’s just out of morbid curiosity :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s not based on what I think. It’s based on my experience playing with groups, as well as official stats, which both confirm it.

Teams play against teams. Except if you play at 2:00am and the game has to go with whichever players are around.

Keep telling you and everyone else the answer. There is no effort put into this game. you see a patch 2-3 times a year and that is it.

Well lets see today ive solo qued and been matched against the same 5 man premade 4 games in a row while getting the same afk 4 games in a row. So that is almost half of what you say is impossible.

Just cause you have not experienced it does not mean its impossible.

Heroes profile data?

People say all kinds of things. But i’ve seen the stats, and they proved the opposite of what you claim. Are you in Brazil?

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because it’s the internet where people falsely attribute things, believe in bad superstitions, and otherwise neglect what ‘proof’ entails because they’re more concerned finding agreement with their opinion than having an opinion of value.

it’s not a distinction that needs to be spelled out, but yet, here you are asking for it.

for someone expecting others to draw inference from your implications, you’re doing a poor job of drawing the implications from your own conclusion :stuck_out_tongue:


How many times have you not had to face premades or the same AFK player in a row? I would wager it’s far more often than facing them or being stuck with an AFK, but your mind naturally doesn’t take note of that. If you lose and find it’s a premade, you can rationalize the loss on that factor.

It’s easy to note when you get an AFK on your team, but odds would suggest you have won vs enemy teams saddled with an AFK AI of their own.


You don’t understand what making a game a “classic” means?

This topic aged poorly.


Not as poorly as a few threads directly after the HGC was cancelled claiming it was “great news” for HOTS and it would lead to getting more content.


It did lead to them making wacky cool heroes again tho.


Sort of, but I’m sure I read somewhere that only the heroes after Deathwing weren’t already in the pipeline. Even with Deathwing’s problems, I feel he is such a great achievement, a really inventive and unique kit and fitting for the lore of the hero.

Its impossible to say for sure but I bet the team was having some difficulties making him competively balanced considering how much hes been nerfed sense release (or sense blizcon but its possible he was op on purpose there for hype reasons). I remember from league when they had heaps of issues creating their big dragon hero (aurelion sol) and eventually just went “screw it, half his body is a spooky ghost and not existent”. I remember they had alot of trouble with how to do his size in particular. Not to mention that dw is both a lifesteal tank and has global mobility, both of which are difficult to balance in mobas in general.
Its not just dw tho, id call hogger pretty wacky as well.