Nothing Loads...PLEASE HELP

I’ve literally reinstalled my game several times, tried different drives, tried running the game as admin, NOTHING works. my internet is fine, MY ISP is perfectly fine aswell. For some reason i can launch the game, but can’t get ANY of the menu’s to load, white boxes for the maps in custom games, can’t load the store, can’t load a game up, can only start training from the bottom right menu and that is IT. the menu’s don’t load at all. friend’s load but no picture or level, can’t play with them at all. i can’t load up any matches or do anything besides stare at empty menus.

Are you running HotS natively? This means using either Windows or Mac OS? If using a compatibility layer to run on Linux that could be the cause.

Make sure that the drive HotS is installed to is working correctly. Like HotS application has read permission from it, no extreme anti virus file checks are occurring, the drive has expected I/O performance and latency, e.t.c.

Make sure your graphic drivers are up to date in case this is a bug caused by your GPU. If your system has both an IGPU and discrete GPU then make sure the discrete GPU is being used. If it is a desktop, make sure the display is connected to the discrete GPU card and not the motherboard IGPU.