Not only bad, but

stupid. Tracer and Samuro on my team…both end up a respective 1-3-7 and 0-1-5 while i’m Tassadar and end up 1-4-0. I skipped the first Punisher objective because Nazeebo skipped it and I didn’t feel like letting him kill a fort. Of course, the Tracer blames me for losing that objective because her dying as the objective was starting wasn’t an issue. I quickly realized my team was terrible as I had the highest damage by about 40% so I just continued to be the only one to lane and covered 2 lanes. Even though all I did was lane(I was also at every objective besides the first) and I had the highest xp contribution in the game by far…and also 4x+ anyone on my team…yes 4x, we were still down 3 levels. Not only were we down 3 levels, I also had more Kills/Assists than both of these assassins on the team AND more hero damage. So of course…it is my fault we lost.

No, it’s not your fault. Can you please stop with the daily complaint threads though? You’re reminding me of Rbt from the SC2 forums. Also, Tass OP, that’s why you were so much better. Also, what was the enemy composition? Did they have heroes that counter Tracer/Samuro?

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OP, there is a place and a thread for you:


Bless this thread

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Getting blamed for someone else’s mistake is always really stupid

That being said if you want to break out of your mmr, take what you did this game with tass (soak/macro which you did pretty good sounds like) and take it to the Nth degree. That’s right PICK GAZLOWE or Artanis or Sonya or Samuro Greymane Dehaka Falstad or someone who can afk win your team the game because they can macro AND they can win your team the teamfight when it actually matters to do so (i.e. not including 3v4 fights for the first punisher because tracer can’t figure out how to turn her monitor on)