Non-Participation / Intentionally Dying

I just don’t get the point of logging into this game (or any game) to sit there and do nothing … or intentionally ruin the game for others by dying over and over. I literally could care less about winning or losing … just play :frowning:

Has the community really gotten this bad?

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Are you playing ARAM by chance or what exactly is happening? I don’t get these types of people except in ARAMs.

And yes there are even some people on here who justify ALT+F4-ing because they don’t like where the result of the match is going. Basically, they’d pull anything out of their hats to justify the behavior. I think it’s against the whole purpose of the game. If they only play when the outcome appears in their favor, they should just go play single-player games because this one is just not for them.

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Bots can be a thing.

But yes, this game’s community is a relatively accurate reflection of society. Some games seem to have reasonable people, but that’s usually only because things are going well. In every group of 5, typically 1 will instantly start whining when the slightest thing goes wrong. 2 or 3 will join in by the end of the match.

I don’t mind afkers as they usually provide good entertainment. But sometimes I wonder what goes on inside some people’s head. Met this Hammer some time ago, who would park their tank just behind the wall and not move at all from there. Some time after lvl 10 they hearth back to base and siege there only using BFG on cooldown to kill minions. I think we lost that game but after checking the stats it turns out they were low bronze (naturally) and had several hundred games as Hammer.

Of course one can’t rule out trolling but there is a decent chance there is a player out there who has spent tens of hours playing a static object and it’s kinda mind boggling.

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Our Mura just now, muted account. He watches while one of our teammates dies early so of course he pings the guy’s rez timer nonstop. Then he proceeds to jump past the enemy fort and the enemy keep and stands there all game, when they kill him [12 times] he goes right back there. I wish I could say this is a rare occurrence.

Check his account and since it was created 8 days ago, he’s won like 5 games for a total of 12% winrate. He knows that once he gets banned he can just create another account and do it again.

The community really has gotten that bad.

In a way yes. More trolls then it had 5 years ago.

Wow, that’s just terrible. I had a game where someone on the team said the Butcher on the enemy team is their friend, so he needs to feed him so he can complete the quest before the match becomes “fair”. And so he did, and continued to do so even after Butcher completed the quest.

But the thing is, out of the hundreds of games I’ve played this season, that was as close as I can pull up an experience that is similar to yours. Yes, there are varying amounts of bad players, but in terms of real deal trolling, I can’t really say that it’s all too common. It’s super unpleasant when it happens, and it happened back in the day too, it’s just, put it all in perspective.

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Couldn’t be me. I’d just b step the heck out of them every time they died.

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Sadly SL is full of bots and wintraders smurfs and even blizzard say they will do somethink when need it nothing happening.

blz created this toxic gaming environment and never looked back .

Not the community, a few players.

Sometimes peop,e have a bad game, and they feel they’ll punish players by trolling themselves. Not realizing it will have absolutely no effect on the players that bothered them. Nor on Blizzard who won’t even notice.


tell me something what can i do with a varian who goes twin blades when we have no tank in our comp and the enemy has a tank , a bruiser and a assassin? how are you supposed to win in that situation? no matter how hard you try to fight , your team gets always killed constantly because there is no tank to help you resist the enemy engages . just play isn’t enough to say , the game is already over when someone wants to try something by choosing whatever talent they want and fails to do so .

Also , if you don’t care about losing , i don’t see why intentional feeding should be an issue for you , you don’t mind losing after all.

In QM, sometimes Varian not going Taunt (tank) is the correct decision. This is in part why I love heroes like Kara and Varian, they are very adaptable to the often chaotic mode that is QM.

The thing is, you are never going to convince certain Twin Blade or Smash Varian’s, that taking Taunt vs a Tracer or Genji was the optimal pick to help your team win. Some Varian’s are gonna TB or Smash, just like Li-Ming’s are gonna Full Orb vs heavy dive comps, some people religiously play certain builds exclusively and will not adapt to the needs of your team or given situation.

I know, it’s ironic (sometimes maddening) for Varian players to have this mindset on what is the only “official” multi-class hero, but people be people and do silly things.

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And sometimes, your composition doesn’t really facilitate for quick focus or followup CC. In those situations, taunt has very little value. Taunt is great if you have a coordinated group that builds around it, but in regular random play, it’s often overrated.

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i know but without a tank you can’t win unless the enemy team is so very very very bad .

Back in the day when Blizzard actually had tank vs no tank groups in QM, they found that tank groups had a 52% win rate. That’s an advantage, but hardly game breaking. The game has changed a lot since then, and you now have bruiser differentiations, but having no tank is clearly not an automatic loss. If you look at HP, though the amount of comps without tanks is quite small, the ones that are recorded actually don’t have bad win rates at all.

It might be a little harder to win, but your doom and gloom prognostics are just self fulfilling prophecies. Having played with you, you’re just kind of oblivious to how your performance actually negatively impacts the game. Focus on what you can do better because it’s not like you’re going to be able to magically change the comp in the middle of a game.


when someone intentionally feeds, you aren’t playing the same game anymore.

The ones that obsess the most about winning tend to be the ones that know the least how to do it; if someone isn’t prepared to ‘waste’ their time losing at a game, then they don’t enjoy the game. Winning or losing aren’t the objective, playing the game is. If someone is trolling the game, then you aren’y playing the same thing anymore so it does matter to the experience.

The OP isn’t saying “hey, I like to sit around and just have anything happen,” their concern is the integrity of the match, and good players don’t care as much about the outcome, they care about the part in the middle.

The first thing you can do is actually look at what assets your team has. When people point out more of what the enemy team has, they’re setting themselves up for failure because they refuse to acknowledge what they have on their side. We have little advise for you as winning 1 v 3 is incredibly difficult, and that’s the only thing you have conveyed.

A “Tank” is simple a player that draws attention, so if a team is going to focus on a hero, one way to deal with a lack of “tanks” is to be ready to assist that player instead of everyone running away without contributing due to the team not having a “tank”.

As volun pointed out, statistically, tank vs non-tank matchups aren’t as impactful as some players think. The ‘average’ player just wants anyone else to do what they won’t and they try to force all the focus onto a single player, and most tanks simply can’t actually withstand whole focus.

Healers are considered more impactful on mismatches since heals and mitigation can essentially make any player a “tank”. Typically double-healer or healer+support compositions do a better job of helping a non-tank hero function as a tank (protect hammer teams, tank xul, hypercarry, etc). So if the teams have a healer or support, that is one consideration at hand. If it’s an entire dps match, that’s a different.

So the biggest advise anyone can offer on any game, plan, or castle raid is list your assets, even it it’s just an albino with a wagon.