I believe bans for botting/cheating/afk/intentional dying are done in mass ban-waves (they used to also be reported in some forum post when they happened). The punishment for these is not some puny silence, but a permaban though.
Here, it seems to be done once a week:
A week may seem like a long time, but it’s not enough to even get out of beginner queue in qm and most certainly not enough to meet HL requirements. So if you meet some1 doing that in HL, he’s throwing away an account with a considerable time investment and you’re unlikely too meet him anytime soon after he’s banned and creates a new smurf.
On the other hand, maybe the guy is throwing only YOUR games? Then he’s unlikely to get banned just from your reports. If that’s the case, then I’d say you should try not infuriating ppl so much that they find ruining your day the most satisfactory pasttime.