No one supports when i engage with imperious

i always dive in and my whole team runs outs, literally 100% of the time and i have played over 500 games with him on multiple HOTS accounts.

how do i get people to support me? is there a HOTs team i can join to play with others?

i make 200k a year so i can pay to play with your team if possible.

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He’s difficult to play with random people. They can’t figure out how to hold their skills until imperius uses his stab thing. There’s a defining feature of these people, but it seems most forumgoers get upset when I bring it up, so I’ll leave it there. Good luck finding a team and if you face a diver, save ur stabby skill until they dive ur dps/healer, which probly isn’t news to you.

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If you need friends to play together, you can contact me. It doesn’t require money, but I am a ranked player. There are too many people intentionally harming others in the rankings now, and the GM is not willing to deal with those who break the game rules

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Make sure their healths aren’t low or that they’re not busy chasing something like a Zeratul when you engage.

Also, ping your targets everytime before you go in, it’ll condition your team to always know that you’re engaging.

Or alternatively, instead of engaging with Imperius, you can just follow up on your tank. (Who may be wondering the same thing you do, “Why isn’t this guy following up when I engage?”

(Sometimes also, the reason people don’t follow up on you is that they were simply too far from you, players are often so focused on their targets that they don’t notice where their teamates are.)

sugar you can get a devoted Ana healer for that price…
just saying…


I am highly amused that the top 15% percentile of income in the United States was thrown in the OP.

You can probably house and hire people to ‘work’ for you then. As in, you are paying them to be your teammates. Plenty of people looking for work these days.

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maybe stop diving in all the time and try to, you know, coordinate


Pretty much this.

In general you do not want to play diving melee heroes alone in HotS.

Unless you play in very high ranks where 5 strangers often coordinate instinctively with pings and ‘telepathic’ knowledge.

They can work occassionally, but outside ARAM it can be pretty painful to play a diver without a premade of 3 to 5 people who have your back.

are you trying to seduce me mrs GrumpyKitten

thank you all for the kind words.

i dont mind paying someone a salary to play with me, but the game is dying and no one wants to play anymore lol.

this game is 10 X better than any other moba, so its kinda hard to continue playing it.

how much money should we pay blizzard to keep delevoping it?

maybe i can pull a few strings and meet with them at head office and have a meeting with the VP or something.

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Less to do with money and more due to competence. It would be better to just yank it out of Blizzard/Microsoft’s grasp as like a lot of big companies they are more concerned with checking off certain boxes instead of hiring competent people and focus far too much on revenue than making fun games.

Blizzard is not in a good place right now. Throwing money at HotS could potentially lead it to becoming the moba version of Overwatch with overpriced skins and a frankenstein of a story. Which, before pulling the plug, they were working on a story for HotS…it did not need it.

When you know the 90s had many games made by small companies that are 10 times better then morden games cause the devs put thier soul into it. And did not treat its players like $ signs.

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Yes, it is a little curious, also a tad sobering when you consider just how many people (worldwide) are struggling with inflation, housing, and cost of living pressures.


There are a lot of reasons for that. It is a massive spiderweb of issues that is spread across a plethora of topics. Some benign while others are sensitive to discuss.