No Microphone will work since OSX Mojave update

Hi, I found solution, but it a bit complicated and must be used if any other doesn’t work for you:

  1. You need to disable MacOS security, for direct access to DB with this security data. This can be done by:
    1.1 Running Mac using Command + R key (Recovery Mode)
    1.2 After running Recovery Mode, using Utility -> Terminal, execute command: csrutil disable
    1.3 Reboot
  2. You need to manually add record to DB of HotS:
    2.1 In terminal type: sqlite3 ~/Library/
    2.2 In sqlite console type: INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES('kTCCServiceMicrophone','com.blizzard.heroesofthestorm',0,1,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNUSED',NULL,0,1541440109);

After this manipulation you should be able to use Microphone in HotS and it should appear in Security tab.

!!IMPORTANT!! After this you should restore MacOS security by repeating step 1 with csrutil enable