No healer games are amazing!

having no healer against a team with healer is like having a -1 teammate in ur team

I don’t “like” no healer games, but I’m okay with them once in awhile. Dying constantly and hearthing, then running back to the battlefield is just more non playing time.

However, I’d much rather someone play a hero they’re good at than playing a healer game just for the sake of it. As a healer main, watching someone who is terrible at healing is worse than just trying to make a weird comp work the best they can.

Blizzard doesn’t understand anything about game balance. That’s why all healers heal nearly twice as much damage as any assassin deals in a game. It turns out that if you make some heroes straight up twice as good as other heroes, the other heroes don’t get played.

There’s a reason why healers make up only 17% of the hero pool but make up 30% of the ban pool. There’s a reason why 100% of successful teams build around protecting their healer. There’s a reason teams who have a healer beat 95% of teams that don’t. There is no other game in human history that is so bad that the chance of winning jumps to 95% based on the first choice you make.

It pains me to say the following sentence: One thing League does right is their healers are beatable. They can’t keep their team permanently invincible for minutes at a time. They can’t defend themselves and/or get away from everything in the game. They’re just strong enough to be desirable picks.

If your game is so bad, it makes people say positive things about League, you should be firing people by the dozens. It takes a stupendously large amount of incompetence to make a game as bad and mismanaged as HotS.

HotS is pretty well balanced. Not saying that Blizzard as a whole is good at balance, but the HotS team was. Maybe you wouldn’t notice balance even from up close.


  1. There are 6 roles to divide our 90 Heroes.
  2. Normally Healers take up 20% of a team (1-1-3).
  3. Non-Assassin roles are not really popular to be worth amping up their numbers.
  4. Devs said that Healers (and Tanks and Supports) are harder to design than Assassins (and Bruisers).
  5. HotS Heroes are based on characters who are known from dealing dmg.

Sauce? You made up a number and try to base your arguments on it…

Does LoL have healers? I heard there are only supports.
Anyway, LoL is less 5v5 fight heavy than HotS, so apples to oranges there.
Healers also don’t do twice the amount in heals than Assassins in dmg, but it’s understandable that if you sacrifice dmg for sustain you don’t want to get a disadvantage as well, like not being able to to save allies while also being worse at killing enemies. Even 2xDmg in heals isn’t enough against 5 Heroes, so even that wouldn’t be unfair and unbalanced.

To op: I like all Healer games better.

That is true in most cases, fortunately in QM you cant have that.
In my Arams, when my team doesnt pick a healer in 9 cases out of 10 its a loss.And often a stomp.There are some rare games when we manage to win against a team that has healers but its hard to pull it off.
I kinda agree to some measure with UninstaIHots, the healers in this game are way too powerful and they heal too much damage.
That is way people say that Lunara does fake damage.A lot of times when playing her i get top damage in the game but not that many kills if the enemy team has a healer.
Karabars, they are fun too i agree!

Lunara’s dmg is considered “fake” not because of Healers (there are many Heroes who can sustain themselves and others), but because she’s designed to do lower amount of dmg (but to multiple ppl) and not in burst (but in sustain), compared to other Assassins. Meaning she has an “easy” job topping dmg numbers without actually killing anyone, and high stats mean nothing if the enemy survives. Lunara is about wearing down targets, just like a horsearcher instead of direct blowing up. Nothing bad with that, that’s Lunara’s job, she counters slow Healers and provides a good supplementary dmg source next to a burst-Assassin.
The “fake dmg argument” is used only to put ppl who get overconfident because they have high dmg numbers with an aoe dmg dealer, to their place.
Context matters in everything.

She has the spread damage to multiple people build but she also has the burst build.

As you can see in Heroes Profile, her best build is actually her bursty one.If you dont get Splintered Spear at 7 her AOE damage is quite low.You cant hit many people with Noxius Blosson as it is quite small.
When i play her against a team with no healers i get a tone of kills, so from my experience she really shines playing this way in QM.

She has a more bursty build, and she def more threatening without allies who can support you (true to every single other Hero as well tbh).
But the “fake dmg argument” is not used because of Healers. And it doesn’t mean Lunara is bad or something.
It’s just that since she can poke, dmg multiple targets at once and she can deal dmg even while not hitting anyone (dot), her dmg impact must be relatively low for balance purposes.

For the Wild!

I totally agree, but many people will abuse someone if they don’t take the healer option. I’m someone who loves to fill heals in ARAM, but I’m not a good Ana player (I also dislike playing the hero) but many times when Ana was the only healing option the other players would heavily pressure me to pick Ana, even after I told them I sucked with her.

Many will fill tank or heals in ARAM just to avoid drama, as you noted this doesn’t always succeed if that player filling sucks on those heroes. You can’t “win” or at least please everyone in games, so as you said, it’s probably better for people to pick to their strengths and ignore any flaming that might come as a result.

Easier said than done in practice, at least for me.

Healers have already been nerfed so why make them weaker ? Only healer right now that need to be nerfed is Reghar. Everyone els is pretty much meme tier or well balanced.

LOL also have heroes that can stun lock you for much longer time then they can here but you dont talk about that ? In LOL you can stack 7 sec cc chains into one hero. Does not sounds balanced to me. Meanwhile here the stronget cc only last 3 sec and can be cleansed.

Out of the 16 healers we got only 3 of them which have a banrate higher than 20%. So that would be equal to 18% ban pool and not 30% as you found out. You need more context on the table before you conclude stuff like this.

Again out of context. People without a healer can still win they just need to adap and change thier yolo strat into something that helps them more.

Alot of healers are beatable in this game if you just use more than 10% of your brain. The only healer who has mobility is Lucio or BW with pixle dust or hyper shift. All the others can get caught and killed.

Sounds like most of your post is based on emotions and not facts.

LOL also has surrender mode but game is still more toxic then this. Why is that ? You should think a surrender mode would fix all your problems but to me it seems like it dont of what I can read on Reddit and on its own forum.


Powerslide Slide to a location dealing 105 (+4% per level) damage and Stunning enemies hit for 1.25 seconds.
Mosh Pit After 0.75 seconds, channel to stun nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
1,25+4=5,25…I tried many methods but it never gave me 3.

Because im not talking about cc chains. Im talking about a single cc thrown at you.
Butcher’s Chain can chain you for 3 sec while silence you. Zaryas Ult last about 2.5 sec.

A single basis cc spell only last 1 sec max.

In LOL a single hero can chain cc you much longer than that alone. What multiple heroes do here in Hots a single hero in LOL can do that alone.

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Still Mosh is a full 4 seconds.
I never played LOL and i never will but in HOTS an coordinated team can easily blow you out with just cc from basic abilities .
Robertsonb, what is your best Lunara build?

That’s the reasonable way to look at it. But most can’t figure that out.