No healer games are amazing!

I love my Lunara!I love my Abathur!
I love playing with them in QM and if the game has no healers then it’s double the fun.Lunara and Aba thrive when there are no healers in the field.
But when i play those heroes with 3 or 4 friends in a stack, one of them feels the urge to play heal!Or tank!
I mean why?Just why?Why you are brainwashed by SL stupidity to have a tank and a healer in QM?
We can be 5 assassins and have a great clownfiesta game.
Aba can heal. Lunara has DOT, why give up those advantages by giving the enemy team a healer?
Do you boys and girls enjoy a no healer game?


There is no draft they literally pick who they want to play?

Contrary to popular belief some people find tanking and/or healing fun.


I often play with friends no heal comps like Muradin-Abathur-Murky-Hogger/ the lost vikings and some safe ranged hero like azmodan… it works very well on big macro heavy maps. Muradin hatted by aba is a beast, and so is late game murky.

Best map to do so: warhead junktion.

And yes, we mostly play it ranked, even got a nice winrate with that comp. Most opponents don’t know how to deal with the chaos.

But even more i love funny double/tripple heal comps on two lane maps. Try this out.

So yes, I love crazy comps, even more when you are able to beat “normal” comps at ranked with it.

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Because they are not playing a hero wih self sustain.

There’s your answer. That’s what they don’t want.


Not anyone enjoy being forced to hs back to base every 10 sec.

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No. They were picking Valla.Then someone in the party said we needed a healer and the Valla guy switched to Morales.
And he was bad with it!I mean why heal if you suck at it?Play Valla if you are good with her and enjoy her playstyle.Valla works great with Aba, Morales just sucked!
If you like and enjoy tanks and healers play them but dont do that just to cater to what others think a QM party should be.
FocusMorales, i enjoyed a bunch of games with 5 healers in QM.I got invited in a 4 man party, they wre picking 4 healers.I thought that is not going to work but i said its QM, lets have some fun and go crazy so i picked a healer too…So we played like 4 games with 5 healers, guess what 4 wins!And not just wins but we stomped them.I guess they were smurfing, cause they were amazing with those healers but it shows that in QM everything can work and you can have fun and success with crazy compositions.


Well said, both your original post and this one. No healers games are usually the most fun, but getting people to understand that is painful. Most of the people on this forum are socially engineered to not like an “unbalanced comp”. Anyway, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, no healer comps are awesome!

No healer games cna be fun, If i’m practicing a hero in qm I don’t really care if there’s a healer or not.

I feel like you have to outskill your opponents quite a bit in ranked or outdraft them hard to win without a healer though.

It can work, for example, if you pick heroes with self sustain, good escape and safe range. Plus abathur does some healing as well.

It can work and you can win i’m just saying its not consistent.

I bet your win ratio with 2 teams of even skill 50 games vs each other 1 with a healer 1 without the healer team will win more.

If you enjoy no-healer games, you could…ask? Ask if they’d want to as well.

Teamwork makes rhe dreamwork, and teamwork takes communication.

BigCrig, in QM if my team has no healer then the enemy team plays without one either, so my team will never have to face a situation where the enemies have heals and we dont.I agree that not having a healer while the enemy team does its a huge disadvantage(like ARAM;s) but thanks God that its not possible in QM.
Valkyrie, I often(when playing Lunara or Aba) do ask for a no healer game but they still heal.Guess is that stupid ranked mentality that force them to think that WE MUST have a healer in our team.

Not too hard to win in ranked with no healer, just depends on comp and skill level. Always fun to try new stuff.

Ranked is not the place for it.

And this is why. You shouldn’t theorycraft in ranked unless your whole team agrees. If you’re a 5 stack do whatever you want, but subjecting your teammates to a play style they don’t agree with is just asking for failure and people take ranked more seriously than QM.

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I agree it’s better to pick something you are good at than fill with something you can’t play.

If that’s you have fun playing with crazy comps that’s great.

If you queue for quickmatch solo as a dd you end up in all assassin games fairly often anyway.

Maybe your friend wanted to play or practice heals. Surely forcing them to play something they don’t want is as bad as the need a tank or heal culture.

If you are stacking in qm why play your best heros anyway unless you want an unfair advantage.

Just help your friend feel comfortable picking what they would like to play and not be judged.

No, he wanted to play Valla or some other ranged assassin but switched when someone in chat asked for a healer.
You are very true, if i queue alone in QM, there is a pretty good chance that its gonna be a no healer game but sometimes i want to play with my friends in a no healer game.
I play to win every game, you cant win them all, thats a fact but sure you can try!So i want to play my best heroes, i like them, i like their playstyle.
Why it is an unfair advantage to play my Lunara in a game without a healer if we can do it?Its an advantage?Yes!Its unfair?I think not!

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Ranked is a great place for it. Closed minds just aren’t willing to have fun.

No it isn’t. Ranked is where you should give yourself and your team the best possible chance to win.

I’m not closed minded because I want to win.

Amen. That’s actually a big reason why I love QM. I love the strange team compositions.

Biggest reason why I like it is because it makes me think about my talent choices. Instead of going cookie cutter build everytime i really have to choose my talents wisely to compensate for the lack of perfect team comp. In doing this keeps each hero feeling fresh.

On the subject of Lunara i love her too because her talents offer a wide variety of playstyles making her feel different each time.

One QM that comes to my mind was a 5 assassin vs 5 assassin game where it was so blow-uppery I couldnt even get into AA range without exploding. To compensate i chose thornwood vines with the level 20 upgrade granting 2 poison stacks from poke range. I hit crippling spores for that 3rd stack then burst them with the Q build coupled with extra range on Q at level 4. Not a spec I’d usually go but bursting people without even getting into AA range was pretty unusual, fun and successful.

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Ya sometimes no healer is best chance to win.