Nice to know Blizzard's got their priorities right

Blizzard has already been on record that it has worked and they even called it a success. Go to Reddit.

So get your facts correct before saying something.


Yeah, it worked as intended and it was good, but queue times were too long for the majority of the player base as they said they have tracked (yeah they track that), so they had to change it a bit.

They even said this here on a thread. So get “your facts correct”.



The visuals and the QM balance (why do ppl cry for QM balance when they could play draft?!) is done by separate teams, so no “priorities” here…


I’m honestly not sure how many more times it’ll take saying this before people realize the art team has nothing to do with the technical aspects of the game. I’m pretty sure most of them wouldn’t even know where to begin.


Again, they stated this was not the case for the majority of the player base. Go. Read. The. Reddit. Post.

Don’t try to argue with me.

I’m trying to find it, but it’s in one of my old post.

With limited resources and cut funding? :thinking: I understand different teams, different things. But I think they should pulling their cut funding into one thing.



Reddit omegaLUL



We don’t know how much resource they had or have, but we kinda now that they lowered the overall “HotS team” size, so probably the lowered resources meant “from now on our teams are smaller” and not “oh boi guys, what should we do… eyecandy or coding?”.
You say you understand different teams and different things but it clear you know really little about how these jobs work. Because “pulling their cut into one thing” would mean they should fire the ppl who do the visuals and cosmetics, which would be a shot in their own feet. Their graphical designers need to live and earn money as well. They need their job, so you can’t refuse money from them, so then why tell them to “do nothing dudes, cuz the forums asked we should only work on the coding and algorithm stuff”.

And Fixing the game is =/= changing anything about QM.
There are 6 modes in this game!!!

  • vsAI: chill, pve, practice
  • Brawl: funnzies
  • QM: pvp, as quick as possbile
  • UD: draft but not that serious
  • SL: draft and serious
  • Custom: do what you want

If you want better games, switch gamemodes, because QM isn’t broken, just not the ideal mode for proper games.
Ppl should either take QM games more light-heartedly, or if they “tryhard” enough to rage on Quick Match comps, go draft a better or… maybe gather a team in a team game.


remove QM ez
and QM players will be happy coz they find a normal games after

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Sorry, I was listening to an actual developer response on the situation giving more insight on what happened and admitted freely admitted that.

1: It was a success.
2: It only effected a minority of the player base.


( I will try to find the developer response.)

As long as the main mode of play for the player base remains in a bad the state of the game population and so will the cash flow.

At some point people will need be readjusted and that’s unfortunate and I understand that - but Blizzard is a business and they’re to blame for the state and they gotta fix it because as long they continue to put off and not fix the actual issues. It will only get worse.

And what’s worse? Readjusting now or even more people getting laid off of work as HotS continues to decline?

This is reality, not everyone wishes get to come true.

I’m pretty sure the art team(s) and battleground design team(s) don’t work on things that are not… art or battlegrounds.

Maybe it’s just me…


If it’s “bad”… why everyone plays it instead of the clearly better gamemodes?
If ppl would just switch to ranked, the queues times would be insanely short and the only extra time would be the draft. Which should be made by the ppl and not an algorithm imho.


Cause the art team totally has control over gameplay systems.

The art team does stuff like visual overhauls and new skins. The gameplay team focuses on well, gameplay stuff.


So, your argument is something something no reference /close?


Also reddit is not official, so don’t take anything they say there as official. Just a little tip.


Gee. That’s a really helpful way to find it

Let me do some lookups for reddit posts…

Yeah, not getting anything HotS related looking up “reddit post”. (Or “the reddit post”)

Either provide a citation, a quote that will bring up the post of just don’t bring it into discussion as if it is hard evidence.

I do sometimes bring things in that I cannot really cite as hard evidence. I fully admit that. But I’ll also tell people that, or note where it is from (if they push back/etc) and note I cannot prove it. instead of insisting they find my proof for me.

Normally you’re reasonable. Here you are not. At all.


They should just add the option for longer queues but better matches in Quick Match. Lord knows I do not want to go back to 30 minute+ queues. I’m in the middle of North America and had dreadful queue times; I have a hard believing it was actually a minority.

In the mean time, you can just switch to Unranked if it’s such a big deal. Or is the queue time for Unranked too long? :no_mouth:


No but DEVELOPERS ARE RESPONDING TO A SITUATION. I already told you, I’m trying to find it. I never said I couldn’t source.

Why does Blizzard say their QM is their most popular mode of play?
When does it every say, that QM is good?

I doubt you’ll make the same argument for Justin Bieber

:thinking: I understand unrank is a far superior choice in terms of legit everything.

if you don’t enjoy “clown world” why aren’t you playing one of the more “serious” modes?

You know, the modes that let you draft your own composition and provides for a more competitive environment and atmosphere.


Because why should I learn how to draft, play more heroes, fill, when I can just queue with what I want and let the system do everything? Maybe we could even have the AI play for us in the future :grin:

I’m sure you can find that. Just don’t believe it like you are now. A lot of times Blizzard says one thing, then a completely different thing, then another one and all of them were totally different things.

We had things in the AMA that weren’t true. We even had Blizzcon things said that weren’t true. We had official tweets that were never true.

Don’t believe in them like you are now.

They also said in the last AMA they are going to rework the entire call of the nexus and QM MM, maybe add a forced comp button and everything, so just chill.


Do we know if they did the visual improvement before the cuts? Just asking.

I mean, they could have done that ages ago and decided to launch it now to give a sense of progression.

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Do they? If they do, probably because it’s true. But true or not, asking this after my question:

Answers or clarifies nothing. Looks like dodging the question instead.

Good and bad is relative. Quick Match’s main goal is to be quick, which is, so it’s good. If someone examine it based on balance and fairness of comps, it’s probably bad, but apples are bad if you’re looking for the taste of salt, but that doesn’t mean apples are bad.
And the point of my rethorical question would be: since most ppl play QM from the 5 pvp gamemodes as their choice, it can’t be that bad or else they’d play another mode.

Again, good/bad is relative, but Bieber is good in the eyes of teenage girls (and maybe there are more who enjoy it for some reason). You can say bad things about him, I do too, but he’s successful for a reason. Same with QM. It appeals for a majority.