Nice to know Blizzard's got their priorities right

Do we know if they did the visual improvement before the cuts? Just asking.

I mean, they could have done that ages ago and decided to launch it now to give a sense of progression.

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Do they? If they do, probably because it’s true. But true or not, asking this after my question:

Answers or clarifies nothing. Looks like dodging the question instead.

Good and bad is relative. Quick Match’s main goal is to be quick, which is, so it’s good. If someone examine it based on balance and fairness of comps, it’s probably bad, but apples are bad if you’re looking for the taste of salt, but that doesn’t mean apples are bad.
And the point of my rethorical question would be: since most ppl play QM from the 5 pvp gamemodes as their choice, it can’t be that bad or else they’d play another mode.

Again, good/bad is relative, but Bieber is good in the eyes of teenage girls (and maybe there are more who enjoy it for some reason). You can say bad things about him, I do too, but he’s successful for a reason. Same with QM. It appeals for a majority.


That does seem to be the brunt of it, doesn’t it?


Most ppl play QM because they are lazy (want fast games without “work”) and have never understood how this game shoud be played - that the draft it as important as tha match itself and allready a “minigame”; matching allied and enemy heroes.

They shoud just delete QM and start educating ppl about drafting - and admit to themselfs that it was a mistake to push ppl into playing QM when first starting to play.


I support the advertising and popularising of draft, but don’t delete my fav mode ><


No, most people play QM so they can play the exact hero/role they want to play.


I’ll just throw my 2¢ in as well, as I was just having this conversation in another thread.

In a perfect scenario, people want 2 things in both ranked and unranked modes:

  • The ability to play as the hero of their choice.

  • The ability to strategize (synergize, ban and counter pick) against their opponents.

However, for those that want the first thing more, the sacrifice in match quality can be very frustrating. Most would agree that a healthy comp would include a healer and tank. I would go further and suggest a frontline is required to avoid chaos, and enable melee characters.

This is the reason why people liked the idea of QM comp requirements, but the wait times were too long.

I propose an option you can select for “require a tank/support” in QM. The understanding would be that you likely have to wait longer. For those who want the fastest possible queue, they can leave this unselected.

The only possible problem I see is insufficient players in the “no required tank/support” option. It would require very low player numbers generally though. I think with bonus XP for tank/support, it would hopefully be sustainable.


We can say the whole problem of the game is people wanting to play only with a/some hero/heroes.

Of course we should be able to play with what we want, but this is a moba after all. Poeple not wanting to learn and play draft is actually a big problem.


I don’t support deleting QM. I was heavy on getting rid of QM. It was 100% a mistake to have it but we have it and we have to deal with it.

I understand getting rid of QM means getting rid of majority of players. This is why they need to focus on fixing it first before anything else so the majority of the player base doesn’t get frustrated waiting for changes.

There is a writing standard for things. Unless you’re gonna literally sit there and say repeating baby for 6 lines in a chorus is good writing.

Lyrically he’s garbage, musically he’s generic garbage. There is nothing objectively good about Bieber.

I hate to get political but lately Alexandria said that the VA healthcare was good and it was the best healthcare system. It was applauded by everyone in the room.

Reality? Veterans are legit committing suicide every other week in the parking lot of the VA or in it and they got outed for over drugging their patients. I can literally continue this list.

I do not care about most people’s opinions because their opinions just bad.

I frequent both modes. I usually fill in draft modes, as I routinely play 2-3 characters from each role (I like variety). QM is a great place to practice new heroes though.

Is it a problem that people are so selfish in a team game, yes. I just don’t think you’re going to change human behavior, especially in a leisure activity. People are gonna do what they want, or not play this game at all.

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if you’re been stroking it up lately with a pointless highhorse and trying to talk down to people on stuff you think to be the case.

You want to have the high ground? Then start putting sources to the stuff you want to claim instead of rattlng off over and over against summaries that break down into “I think I’m right, therefore I’m right” cuz ya know, the whole crux of an argument is going to disagree on that bit… and it just comes of as adolescent tantrums that suggest people shouldn’t ‘argue’ with you because you’re too busy pretending you’re right about something to ever bother to notice if you are.

If you concern is on the ‘majority’ of something not having value, then a worthwhile point of contrast would be to provide the sort of stuff [they] wouldn’t bother to do as a means to actually demonstrate why you think so highly of what you want to claim, but ya know, but back it with anything.

Cuz the inherent irony there being your conduct is closer to those you’d want to bemoan and makes it seem like a farce perpetuated by a lack of observational sense to realize it to be a such.

Cuz the whole mindless complaining bit with misplaced priorities on how stuff works? Yea, that what “most people” do to convey their ‘bad opinions’. That thin you don’t care about, but seem content to exemplify. :+1:


I already said that I’m trying to find the source. You can most certainly back off.

I wanna know where you people are from that blizz has so many different teams working on hots o.0

with seperate you mean the one who is responsible for balance and the other one takes care of the fancy skins.

Because the game is declining?

Unlike some people around here. I don’t constantly troll, lie, and create alt accounts. So what I say, I mean what I say.

I already stated multiple in threads I’m trying to pull the sources. So your entire response was nothing but utter garbage and smears and personal insults. Completely unfounded and base in no evidence what so ever.

I’m not sure what I’ve done to offend you. Unless you’re offended on someone’s behalf. <3

Hello! Great question! When we released the Call of the Nexus feature, we knew that queue times would increase as our simulations demonstrated this. However, match quality went up for almost the entire Quick Match population. It’s also important to note that majority of our players did not experience a large increase in queue times, however those that did, experienced a very significant increase. Since the community was asking for the Matchmaker to ensure Quick Match had better team compositions, we felt this was a good trade off. I wouldn’t say these changes were a mistake as it addressed what the community was currently reaching out to developers for. We are still planning to bring this back and are considering some additional changes.

A prioritization system for team compositions: While the matchmaker is determining a fair match up, it will try to enforce the team composition that launched with Call of The Nexus for a certain period of time. After a duration of time has passed, it will then allow the existing Quick Match Team Compositions.
Putting the control in the players hand: Another idea we are considering is allowing the player to determine if they are willing to prioritize meta composition over queue times. - Blue_Zues

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= high populated regions (NA/EU) only noticed a small increase, low populated regions on the other hand, a huge increase

Yes. Those ppl/teams can’t work on eachother’s jobs/tasks.

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Which is to be expected - and they could’ve roll back the changes for those regions only.

But to completely pull the plug on something that game clearly needs and go silent for the next I don’t know, let’s just say, for the next 8 months until Blizzcon.

Someone has to give a little here and just work with Blizzard to work out the kinks. But nah, let’s just scrap it and piss EVERYONE off.

Again, this isn’t how you run a business. While most people think “HUR, DUR, businesses are meant to make money.” You can’t make any money, if nobody buys your product.

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I was thinking about this myself, so I decided to check out google trends to see where the interest level was in the game compared to the past.

In the graph you can see two inflection points, the release of HOTS on June 2015 and the release of 2.0 on March 2017. On the vertical axis 100 represents the peak interest in the game, with each subsequent number as the percentage of that peak interest.

Where we are at right now is 3, which means there is 3% of the interest in the game compared to it’s maximum at release. If there were say 5 million players at launch, we could extrapolate that there are perhaps 150k players today.

I find this both interesting and saddening to see where the game is currently at. What I think this means is that it is no longer profitable for Blizzard to devote extensive resources towards sweeping enhancements to the game like new game modes and trying to fix matchmaking. I expect to see a few more hero releases and events based off of what was already in their pipeline, but beyond that I really see this game just blending in with their classic games portfolio.

I myself have been advocating for a long time on Quickmatch and matchmaking improvements, but in light of this I think I’ve realized I just need to accept the game for what it is or move on.


Clown reality is best reality, what are you talking about?

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Oh yeah, I remember that from the AMA. So Blizzard says it was bad and needed changes. Later Blizzard says it was perfect and only bad for small regions. Yeah, I don’t believe any of that as you should not believe it either.

What I can tell is something from my personal experience + experience people shared here/reddit. For me, queue times were usually 1m max, but with the update it became 10m+ even when we had healer + tank in the comp already. Hell, I even queued one time with a full group with a healer + tank + ranged dps + 2 flex and the queue was above 15 min. This is also what other people said was happening to them even playing on NA/EU. So clearly the whole system is/was bugged and that’s why they had to soften it (or even disabled it entirely, we don’t know anymore).

Anyway, never believe on what they say because we will never really know the truth.