Next Patch hopes

I might be a little biased… but give D.Va a tiny Bunny Hop Buff…


The new patch is out, apparently most of the hopes here were dashed! Naz did get the nerf to his Spooders, so that will no doubt make many happy. :wink:


Yes! I really like the changes they made. Ana got a buff and Naz Spiders got a small nerf.
I love that they didn’t nerf the Spiders too harshly. They nerfed by 5% which is a good start.


The nerf to spiders and buff to toads is fine in my book. I’m not thrilled at the nerf to Blood Ritual, I don’t feel this was deserved.

She is firmly now a healer, which at leaves gives her a role on the team. I miss her multi class version design before, but right now I would hardly say she’s generic. And whatever version she was before was anything but flexible. You must have serious case of delusion. She fit into a tiny niche of teams if you had the second flex spot open, but she had terrible wave clear. Not a great place to be. Probably the worst designed rework in HOTS history.

The version before her owl stacking with 4 talents on every tier, THAT was versatile.

That was my favorite version of Tyrande.

As I said elsewhere I understand their idea to nerf it, because Blood Ritual enabled really fast stacking for Naz. My fastest way was around level 14 175+, but usually around 16. I could imagine better Naz player would be faster than me. I remember one game, where I had 500 stacks in a 30+ game. It was incredible with 2000+ extra health and maybe that was sth. the devs thought that it is too much.

You’re right, we talked about this a couple of weeks back, I’d often stack much faster with Blood Ritual. The “stacks on takedowns” is hard to balance as it can be feast or famine.

If your team is getting very few takedowns, or you’re not near when they happen, you aren’t getting value from it. If your team happens to be dominating, you stack exceedingly quickly.

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Exactly and btw I think the effect of Blood Ritual may be troublesome baseline, because that would make another talent mandatory aside of Vile Infection. That is Big Voodoo. The 100% bonus of this talent would be too massive, if Naz would have it baseline. Maybe that’s the reason they gave it too Blood Ritual to split it with Big Voodoo. So Naz players have to decide between faster stacking and big value.

But I wonder what is better mathmatically the extra value or the fast stacks? It feels a bit redundant since fast stacks can give you the same value, because you will usually have less stacks with Big Voodoo (except for the case you’re brain afk pushing the game long, but that’s ineffective).

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I’m not entirely sure how they should go with this, someone commented in Patch Notes thread that Big Voodoo is still the most popular talent.

You also need to consider that Blood Ritual and Hexed Crawlers provide sustain, Big Voodoo gives 100% more to your base health and mana, but offers no sustain. So there is a choice to be made there. Still, no idea how you go about balancing the passive stacking bonus on Blood Ritual, perhaps the change to 3 stacks will be a good middle ground.


No sustain? How is extra base health no sustain already? If both talents have the same amount of stacks (which seems unlikely) and Naz would get 1000 extra health without Big Voodoo, then he would get the double amount with it and since it’s % based the increase is exponentional. In my extreme case where I had 500 stacks I would have 4000 bonus health.

Sure it’s unlikely that Naz will ever reach this amount in average games, but again how is infinite bonus health gain not sustain? In fact both is sustain; just because Naz gets better health regeneration from the other talents after killing targets, but you have to consider they have generally lower health than Big Voodoo Naz. Only against heroes with % damage (e.g. Tychus, Leoric) Naz would suffer more than the other options, but we both wouldn’t pick it in that case anyway, if we go Naz. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe, we have time to see it in the next days/weeks. I will at least test the new BR.

Devs are banned now from Hots forums


2% Mana and health return on Blood Ritual and 1% for Hexed Crawlers is by definition sustain. Big Voodoo adds to Naz’s base health and Mana, but doesn’t add any return of mana or health per kill (see healing/sustain).


Okay, but what is infinite health gain per stack then, if it isn’t sustain? I get it that he don’t get the regeneration, but his health/mana is greater , which is the exchange basically.

It’s a difference, if a hero starts a fight with 4000 life against someone with 2000.

It’s a flat buff to his mana and health pool, but it isn’t “sustaining” him in battle as the other two options return healing and regen his mana. There is a difference, you could compare it to Stitches “Hungry for More” which is a flat buff to his health pool, where “Savor the Flavor” provides health regen, sustain.

I never said otherwise. Yes you start off at higher life and mana, but you have no way of returning that on your own accord. With Blood Ritual and Hexed Crawlers you can potentially stay in combat longer as you are receiving healing and mana on kills, so they are the sustain options. I’m not saying one is better than the other, I’m saying the talents provide different benefits.


No. It’s hp increasing, not healing.

Sustain/self heal /=/ max hp increasing.


Yeah I got that it’s the definition of “sustain” that is based on only regeneration and buffs are something else. My misconception was more generally that everything that gives you better survival stats-wise is kind of ‘sustain’.

I mean I can understand this for Hexed Crawlers, but Blood Ritual? The latter requires targets to die to get the healing, which is harder in teamfights, while Big V gave you the benefit already from the start. If BR Naz fights Big V Naz, then the former Naz would get no healing in 1v1, except he kills minions, while he has to remove more health from Big V. :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed, though team fights can happen around minions they aren’t all at objectives. It’s worth noting that some objectives like TOTSQ minions are there to provide benefit for Blood Ritual.

I never said one talent was better than the other, I just pointed out they provided different benefits. Apparently more players consider Big Voodoo the better choice as supposedly it’s the most popular talent on the tier.


Do we use this thread for the next patch too? That one should have content, with the new season.

I’m hoping for this year’s hero and maybe finally the unselectable mounts and skins being fixed. Also, if they have to mix seasonal content, I hope old Christmas stuff is left out instead of the Horror themed.

Now that the patch has dropped, my hope for the next patch would be that it won’t take 1 entire month for relatively small numbers changes. I can understand taking 1-2 months for a major patch like redesigns or reworks, but this patch seems like it’s mostly just (as NotParadox elegantly puts it) “percentile changes” so if these kinds of minor patches become more frequent, I’d appreciate that.

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