Next hero after Hogger?

If thats true, question is if they are going to make Mannoroth big as Deathwing, or they gonna shrink him down. I would love to see fight of those two “Titans” at the middle of the map :smiley: . Also im thinking about Zurvan, if we’re talking about BIG characters, at least that would be someone from SC, but Mannoroth seems okay too.


I’d like to see Sire Denathrius, a lot of cool mechanics there.

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About Starcraft heroes, so far the dev team has more focused on small/medium models, and I think they will extend this choice, of course a hero with a large model size from SC will also be interesting. But I prefer to stand beside Mannoroth as a large model hero, both in terms of the current limitations of making a hero and in terms of labor and financial costs to build a hero with a large size model.

However I think Hydralisk will be a good option form SC.

Oh no lore development what a horror.

I mean, kind of yeah. People aren’t drawn to HotS for the story, they’re drawn to it to see their favourite Blizzard characters. Right now with two-four heroes each year, we need to get people’s attention. The other reason is for the gameplay of course, but they can make fun gameplay with existing characters.

Especially when Qhira is so bad. Just, a cosmically unlikable character with no personality beyond “rude”. Even Orphea, who’s a lot better aesthetically and story-wise, is still really bland.

The HotS team is good at interpolating the personalities of existing characters, even turning unpopular or simple characters like Yrel and Probius into personality powerhouses. They just need to stick with their strengths.


They could of before 90% of their staff was laid off.

At this point, I just want them to continue working on whatever it is they want, considering there’s like, 6 developers now.

And I want them to not want to add Nexus heroes. It was a good idea when they were releasing eight heroes a year. At a quarter of that, not so much.


They are the best design of hots team, both in term of game play, personality and aesthetic.
I belive they are placed in Hots’s top ten even.

However, despite the recent restrictions on getting a new hero, Nexus can still be a good and creative choice. I even predict a Nexus hero soon.

That’s right, but I think it would be better for them to refer to and use people’s concepts as well.

I just like the Orphea character, but I hate the idea of nexus originals too.

There’s just so much good source material that could be created from Blizzard worlds first.


Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo make up the Nexus and not these two non-names.
These Nexus heroes have no place here.
Blizz should mainly focus on the major universes.
Qhira’s hook would have been a good fit for Edwin van Cleef…

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All the heroes gathered from these 4 worlds are competing in the land of Nexus, not in the fields of Terran or the Northern lands of Warcraft or Diablo Halls.

Nexus must maintain his right and more than that, they wants the hero’s quota more and also Qhira is the best melee assassin so far the dev team made.


I intend to leave the forums forever and I am no longer here to manage the thread and replying to posts. Do it yourself, thank you.

Goodbye Hots forums

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Of course they meet again in their world, don’t you know the map?


Nobody wants them.

Hence, it should also focus on the major universes.
It would be good for Edwin van Cleef, but no, they took Qhira instead.

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Dude, do not get delay in my departure. Those two maps entered the game with an event, you are playing with them now and I know this too, but they are not from Nexus and the basis of the game is based on Nexus. ok?

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Sure if there are no more Nexus heroes in the future :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure, it this depends more on the ideas of dev team.

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There are 4 universes that will be enough :slight_smile:

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Nexus will have at least one hero in this year, just wait for it. :slight_smile:

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I’m not looking forward to it at all :sleepy:

Man, I did not say anything, I just wanted to point that they said they wanted to bring Black Thorne to game :smiley: .

Anyway sorry if I was a bit rough, I’m going to leave here. Please share your posts with others and also hopefully to see the best heroes in the game.

He is good :slight_smile:

Didn’t you write that a long time ago?

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