New Sylvanas is trash

I don’t even get the hate towards the new MC, it’s subjectively the best change of the entire rework.

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Mechanics change and become more demanding - does not mean it’s a nerf. Ever heard of numbers changes?
Dagger more difficult to use? Maybe they increase damage, cast range, reduce cooldown; add in other benefits at early talents.

Comparing MC and WA is stupid. Everybody complains about displacement tanks like Garrosh, Dehaka, Artanis. Now you got an assassin with great displacement, but it’s crap? What’s going on with you guys?

Until you see her on PTR, all arguments are void.


That’s all she needed. Instead of sucking the fun out of the gameplay.

Too oppressing on the push? Ok, make her AA deal only 20% dmg to structures, and 120% dmg to heroes. That’s what they did to Li Ming; they didn’t make a new character just because she was too good at pushing.

I don’t need to play the PTR to realize that the new Sylvanas will not be fun to play, and that she’ll be completely different from the current Sylvanas; even if she’s OP and deals 200% more dmg in all her skills.

NOT comparing two competing talents is what’s stupid. THE ENTIRE GAME is based around the idea of comparing talents to pick the best one for the situation. There’s no situation where Stormbolt with a mild pull will be comparable to Wailing Arrow.


You know, if they released things properly, this wouldn’t be an issue.
They release untested broken crap and let it slide for so long, by the time people are used to it, they alter.

They should test properly and release heroes. If they are are good at a specific point, release an off class counter.

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They’re removing the label. (Which didn’t even mean “lane pusher” anymore anwyay) but lane pushing and split pushing will still be a strategy. Xul will still be able to dual-lane on tight maps, Sylvanas will still be able to freeze structures for her team, but it will not be something she can do ENDLESSLY. It will be a tool in her toolkit that she can do sometimes.

The horrible way of playing Sylvanas as a split pusher where you try to solo hard push an offlane and PRAY TO GOD that an Alarak or Genji or whatever doesn’t just chase you down and kill you will no longer be a thing. Not that it really ever was.

Sylvanas is a team support. You bring your team together and do hard pushes with mercs at the right time to burn down a fort or a keep before the opponent can react. That is the best way to play her. She’ll still be able to do that fine.

I’m honestly not seeing what the major change in playstyle even is.


This game still sucks compared to league. I had way more come backs on LoL than this game.

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LOL, passing judgement on her before she’s even on PTR based on a spotlight video. I have no clue why I’m even sticking my head into this because it’s just a thread of people crying about their extremely niche to the point of uselessness hero being reworked to actually serve a purpose for her team.

They also could have completely removed her ability to shut structures down but they actually kept that which surprised me, was expecting total trait rework with removal of that aspect.

The MC change looks GREAT so I have 0 clue why that’s some massive issue unless you like standing still channeling with a neon sign on you that says “Do it! Do it! Come on kill me I’m here! Come on do it NOW!”. God forbid they add some skill cap aspects on her to do damage like with the dagger change, can’t have that.

I’m also sick to death of the “they are removing the specialist playstyle!” stuff as well, specialist is a LABEL not a form of play. Why do you need a specialist label slapped on you to play a certain way? I’ve played solo lane Uther before when it’s made sense yet he’s a healer, that would be blasphemy to people who think labels define capabilities.

Anyone that thinks Sylvanas was meant to be a solo lane/split push bot shouldn’t even have a voice in the discussion. She’s meant to be with the team so she can enable their push/enable dives under forts etc, if you have a Sylvanas on your team and she’s just off in her own world there’s no reason to have drafted her.


You know people will complain about anything when they call Sylv W “fun”.


Attacking (aka right clicking, once) a target you marked with another ability barely counts as adding skill to the game. If you didn’t faint on your keyboard out of excitement to see your skill do barely anything on cast, anticipating that sick worse functionality when you trigger the next effect, you can pull the next part off easily. It’s not some massive feat, it’s interactive but it is not going to be making her more fun or skillful.


I agree about the MC change - part of what made MC great was that you could move enemy heroes away from you or your allies, or run them through Abby mines, etc. You will still be able to do some of those things, but it will require proper positioning and a little luck. Still though, I’m really looking forward to Syl’s changes - I’m very happy they didn’t get rid of black arrows. I heard rumor that they were going to completely scrap it.

You never needed to mash it. Just hold it down.

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Then just stand where you want your target to go (And attack them while they move). You want them under your towers, stand under your towers. What’s the problem?

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That only worked after Lvl 20 upgrade, because baseline, the move speed was so low that they already had to be poorly positioned.

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I mean they could theoretically let you control the target with a second R click. That wouldn’t change the functionality much and would make it a bit more fun.

But I don’t think no matter what they do they can make Mind Control compete with Wailing Arrow.

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Yes, because the trailer of Sharknado was not enough to let you know the movie was going to be trash. You had to go watch it in 3D, BlueRay, and iMAX to understand how big of a mistake it was…

This thread is not about numbers or balance, it’s about core gemeplay design. If you can’t comprehend the design choices they are pushing with her, then I’m just sorry that natural selection has failed you.


Your comparison isn’t valid and if you can’t see why then I don’t know what to tell you, and love your comment there at the end, really shows you have no ground to stand on. Love you too :slight_smile:


Really, comparing two trailers is not a valid analogy…


You sound like you click on pop-ups.

Idk why I am even humoring you when all you have is witless one liner insults to end all of your comments with. Your entire post is based on things we saw in a video that we can’t even see for ourselves how they will feel in actual play. I bet you were one of the people who declared Azmodan to be dead/trash after he got reworked.

A movie doesn’t have gameplay you can engage with yourself to change how something will feel, you watch a trailer you (most times, sometimes not) know exactly what you are getting yourself into. You watch a spotlight and a lot of the time the way they described something doesn’t exactly pan out.

A spotlight trailer is the silliest thing in the world to make grand sweeping statements on how a character will play out in actual play, the spotlight is only meant to SHOWCASE things. The only goal you have set out to do with this thread is like farm from people who hate change.

This is the last bit of attention I’m giving you since you seem to have some unhealthy obsession for it.


I don’t think you’ve articulated what the actual design issue is here or what they’ve removed that you liked.

Having to attack your shadow dagger target is perhaps annoying, but has no real basis on laning. It really only effects her team fight capabilities where they’ve obviously massively improved her anyway. Losing the versatility of her Q charges is again, maybe somewhat annoying but seems to be part of a different talent design where they’ve taken the ability anyway. Which… we don’t know the whole story of.

I’m just not seeing or understanding the issue at all.


Actually, I did the opposite.

But, again, it’s not my fault that you can’t understand things until you’ve done them for 3 hours. Not everyone is that limited.

And that’s why I find people like you aggravating. You come to the tread and your FIRST line is literally:

and then complain that there’s no argument without reading all the arguments laid out. Or, I guess, reading them but lacking any comprehension to make sense of them because your counterpoints don’t even make sense in the context of this thread.

  1. The skill of MC is not on landing the shot, is in securing the kill or saving your allies while not getting killed. This new MC trades all that for a generic skill-shot. Just because it’s called skill-shot it doesn’t mean it takes much skill.

  2. Also, this is not how you use quotes:

I never said that… Who taught you grammar?
You making-up a bad argument that I didn’t make so you can easily rebut it, doesn’t make you smart.

I’d say is a waste of time to talk to you… but you are not the first to bring up the ridiculous counter-point that we can’t make a judgement based on a preview. Are you dense? That’s the whole point of the preview. It’s supposed to get people excited; they have to make a positive judgement to get excited.

So, they are allowed to make a positive judgement but I’m not allowed to make a negative judgement?

That’s moronic at best, but actually just super biased.

Why should I take your biased opinion in any regard? You don’t have a real argument.

All this rhetoric might not get through to you, but hopefully someone down the line will read it and stop themselves before saying things without reading the thread, or thinking critically.