New skins and heroes

Still waiting for a Ragnaros skin that didn’t come with his launch.

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I am still surprised that they never even gave Rag a recolor. Fel Green and Water Elemental Blue make the most sense. Lava Wave turns into Tidal Wave, and the Fel Fire speaks for itself.

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Khaldor came up with a good skin suggesting.

Silver surfer Hanzo. I want to see that.

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Oh yeah, also I’d wanna see Wrecking Ball from Overwatch come to the game. Zero clue how he’d play in a MOBA though. He’s just by far my favorite character to play in Overwatch, swinging all around the map and bullying frontlines and squishies alike, knocking people out of position and capitalizing on the chaos.
Zenyatta is a close second for OW characters I want in this game, and one I can actually envision working as a MOBA character. Put his alt-fire on Q, Harmony Orb on W, and Discord Orb on E. Transcendance as R1, and maybe some sort of single-target super debuff as R2 to help with his innate focus-fire capabilities. Or maybe Kharazim can get an Omnic skin, at least. Surprised that didn’t come with that big wave of Overwatch skins we got that one time, but I guess it’d be surreal seeing Zenny on two legs.
Some other neat Overwatch skins would be less “Haha, this character looks like X character” and more “What if this character was in X Overwatch faction”. For example, what if Probius was a Vishkar drone? What if Tychus worked with Ashe in the Deadlock gang? What if Chen was one of the genetically engineered animals in Horizon? What if Leoric was one of Moira’s medical test subjects in Talon? Most of the OW skins are just character swaps when I think there’s a lot of missed potential here.
yeah if it wasnt obvious overwatch is the only other blizz game i’ve played


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