New Season got delayed to March 26th

pretty sure the past winter one had it already. we are moving into the summer event now. its possible you guys missed it, but they even gave us the lunar racing brawl during that time.

…and just for relative facts on the lunar event. chinese new year is over with. it happened the first two weeks of februrary.

Blizzard makes me do wild guesses while waiting, that is cruelty.


They said they’re replacing it with a spring event instead of a lunar new year event. Typically in these types of events the skins available in the previous iterations of these events are made available.


We didn’t get the skins, we only got the brawl. Also what @mada7 said above /\

[quote=“Moro-1804, post:19, topic:16456”]DigitaLegacy:

Possible new hero or rework coming out with it.

not likely. that doesnt mean they arent working on it. they are always working on heroes obviously. however, it would be rather stupid to release a hero with a bunch of other changes imo. its easier to monitor the major changes effects without the hero release.

While i dont disagree with that, there have been alot of new seasons that start with a brand new hero release. Just saying its possible.

Typically there is 1 week PTR for that stuff so, they may annouce or tease something this week which would put PTR next week and then new season the following week.

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Yeah, if we are getting a new hero/hero rework we will definitely see teasers late this week.


thats probably what i remember them saying and just transposed the seasonal events. if it is still up coming then thats good too.

Yeah I think that was the case from the AMA since when pressed about the rank merge of TL and HL, as to how it will be handled in better detail, they pretty much left it in the air that they’re still trying to figure out the best configuration along with heavy monitoring.

The ONLY money they will get from me for this game ever is if they allow me to pay for an MMR reset. Otherwise no money for u Blizzard and no money to pay your devs.

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