New player impressions

I really don’t understand the small minority who not only sing the praises of “solo carry”, who want items, say how bad HOTS is compared to LoL, why not just go and play LoL then? It’s very unlikely HOTS is ever going to be changed to be like LoL, they should really just move on.

This was kinda true once. When it was Hero League in Platinum, there was less toxicity. Now in Storm League a Plat can group with a Silver 5, you get forced rainbow matches, so really you never know what the skill spread will be. You can also be matched with people who are higher than your rank, so this rank mixing can create friction as players have the expectation in ranked they will be matched with people of similar skill, not matched with someone two ranks below or above them.

Add smurf accounts into this mix, players who have been carried by higher ranked players and you have a pretty chaotic ladder until about Diamond 2, with all the animus that comes along with the disparity in skill.

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Wrong. The higher the elo the higher the toxicity. Maybe people will not use the chat as much, but as soon as someone makes a mistake or doesn’t play according to the “high elo”, there’s a 100% chance someone will start feeding, or go AFK, or feed then go AFK.

This game is trash for a reason, and that reason is the trash community. And blizzard isn’t helping the situation either.

Yes, but in LOL you can easily win 4v5 (just did it twice yesterday) if you are skilled enough to feed your ADC. The mare fact that your own skill can offset AFKers and other griefers makes LOL a superior game. That can’t happen in HOTS. Surely there are ways for HOTS to reward skill, not just through items, but that train has long left the station.

And also LOL doesn’t force you to go through the whole match with 1 AFK. You can surrender and move on to the next one. That shows devs understand people’s time is limited and valuable. Unlike HOTS. Sure, HOTS games used to be shorter, but ever since the devs ruined the game and carry potential by nerfing fort XP, that’s no longer the case.

Yes, but again HOTS isn’t LoL and it seems unlikely the Devs are going to turn HOTS into a LoL clone. If you prefer LoL, you should play it rather than complain HOTS isn’t a LoL clone.

You still get XP from destroying forts, what?


As a Dota/HoN player I can tell you that you can’t compensate afk/griefers with your skill in most games, except you are way above the league you’re playing. To make those carry plays possible you have to farm a lot of times without disruption / ganks from the enemy team. It’s only possible, if your enemys are bad and you are above them. Same as in Hots, where the top players can carry the bad players.


I had a match last week on Malf where our team virtually 3v5’d the enemies. They didn’t need my healing and there was someone struggling to do anything.

I think DotA allows a better 4v5 chance because of personal XP and gold. The AFK means there is no competition for the resources, so the 4 players get comparatively stronger. During casual lan parties (anyone remembers those?) we played VS AI (in WC3) and 3v5 and 4v5 was kind of optimal (4th covers while you are shopping). The one big risk is ganking as you are virtually always alone.

Wow…I’ve been silenced already for “abusive chat”.

Let me be clear. I have NEVER been silenced or banned anywhere else, ever. My “abusive chat” was trying to get the team organized and then asking people why they are AFK in the nexus. Our team was so bad, they all quit. I absolutely criticized the quitter mentality, but there was no “abuse”. I get the impression there is absolutely zero investigation into these claims.

You can’t be silenced for a single game, you have to need more reports over several games.

But on the contrary heroes in Dota are weaker in general without items, so you need to farm first, except you’re a premate team, to get your chance to 4v5. Hots is faster than Dota, because you have no ‘farming gold phase’, but also your early skills needs levels too, because the basic abilitys are rather weak compared to Hots, where only Varian (without 4) struggles hard in the early game.

While the early game in Dota is pretty hardcore, you have to focus on gold more than anything else, because you need core items like Boots to improve your movement. There are few exception that works in early like Juggernaut and some supports with stuns/slows, but most of the time it’s just harder.

Do you speak from your personal observation?
Because the only Moonshadown on HP is a bronze player.

From a scale of 1-10 i would say Hots is only at 5 at best in toxicty. LOL is a clear 10 after what i have seen so far from ranked games in LOL. I even read that some LOL players have been arrested by the police and jailed for wishing people dead or ask for his address so he can send a mail bomb to him. And then you have all chat were both teams flame at each other. Why would i play a game were i have to deal with a salty enemy who gets farmed by me whole game and then sends death threat to both you and your family.

I swear i bet half the playerbase in LOL are properly crazy minded people with anger problems who would benefit more from getting help from a docter and unintall that game at the same time.

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