New player impressions

That in itself tells you the entire issue “accounts” and the fact people can make more makes the entire report system an agent for smurfing. Tell me, if you can recognize this person has had accounts banned, what is stopping him from making another? Does that seem like a good system to you?

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Ah, yes. The community so open that they had to report my post enough that I got suspended. All because I either assigned a nickname, I phonetically spelled MVP or I just told it like it was and that the endgame awards are really just a sloppy kinda way to do this.

I’ve literally only been censored here, never on Reddit. Because I’m less likely to have my whole posting privilege revoked on some grounds I never even got to identify because the dullard mod I got in touch with suggested I ask my family about it. Because they have the context of the reports??? God almighty.

Yeah, sorry, nah. Not buyin’ it. This community is just as much an echo chamber, it’s just as predisposed to censorship, it’s just as likely to cover up things they don’t like. As a two time victim of completely needless censorship on only these forums and not reddit, I can patently say with positivity that your notion that this place is harsher is simply false. It’s not. It’s not more free for discussion. (Not really less free, but definitely not more free, especially considering the autonomous censorship here… how you callin this place harsher when the most vulgar thing you can say is like, dang?)

I have no idea why you think it’s harsher here. If anything is harsher it’s ironically how they treat things they don’t like; you’ll get downvoted on reddit but your whole posting privilege gets attacked here.

Never mind trust level.

Seriously. These forums are the harsh place? I run a risk of getting modded by saying ‘bum.’ This is the harsher place?

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Do note that there had been trolls around that did this. It might have been a false positive on that. The forum software sadly has that vulnerability as part of it. Some others also had a lot of reports happening to them.

Then there is also the problem that although these forums are generaly ok, ingame silences still affect the forums. And compared to ingame, there isnt any worse forum/social media available for hots that im aware of.

Also, profanity does not equal the harshness of people. With harsh i mean that they are very strict on what is considered good, and what isnt. Reddit doesnt care as much as they are also the more creative community. And people here can be very criticizing.

Reddit has advantages though, since the devs cannot affect it where they can do that on these forums. I wont deny that, if there is something the devs want to get rid off, they wont be able to do so on reddit.

But unlike reddit, as these forums do not sort on popularity in the topic list, and bring the focus quite a lot to that list, it makes an unpopular oppinion stick around in the list a lot longer. This is the anti-echo-chamber effect.

In the end people should post on whatever forum/media they prefer though. If you prefer reddit, then you just prefer that.

But that these forums are an echo chamber is only shown in the like counters, if a subject is non popular, it can still stick in the tread list for a long time because those who do post in it and keep it active are not affected by others.
Where in reddit, only if they are massively upvoted (and with unpopular oppinions, downvotes will counter that) they will stick, otherwise the thread just dies.

Diffirent systems, and both should exist side by side. But i still think that due to the way these forums work, they are generaly better. Its just that its less moderated, and that can be an issue.

That system is horrible since day 1.

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Ah yeah, Reddit topic sorting is positive balogna, having my thread here means people will see it but I do post to Reddit and get not even that, so I understand that. And I also understand troll reports, although I’d appreciate staff telling me it was falsified rather than my fault (do appreciate the reachout, however in vain it was).

I think the takeaway from this though is that the internet just isn’t a super reasonable place… I just find the forums particularly net negative replies. That’s mollified a bit by the fact that most everything is given equal opportunity, thanks to lacking downvotes and having a standardized chronological sorting system.

I use both in the end. I find mechanical discussion here usually goes deeper, and the reddit has a bit of a habit of taking one note (there’s the echo chamber) and following it, so if someone’s taken a negative stance it can often be followed.

Here, at least, people are consistent; I butt heads with Jean a lot but dangit if he isn’t constantly trying to push ideas and I can’t possibly fault him contrarily. He’s consistent, and that counts for a lot since I know what his posts are going to be if discussion is afoot.

Honestly the more I talk about it the more I realize they’re both pretty flawed, and neither would quite have the value it does without the other, because they’d probably just take on the negatives. We may have echo chambers but qe sure as heck don’t have monotone threads (at least not when 1post accts don’t make 'em) :100:

And yeah, I wish I smoked anything strong enough to make TL seem like a good idea. Like, wow.

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^^ It’s because this game is Highly competitive. It doesn’t matter which mode you’re in, players are out for blood. Because of it’s competitive nature, the salt can run REALLY high for players who think they are doing well but, feel their team mates aren’t holding their own. Plus your usual troll types who are going to start arguments no matter what, to get their jollies off.

Just do what i do: Mute your team at the start of EVERY match (hit “tab” key, hover mouse over player “dialog” icons and click). Makes gameplay much more chill, and you can focus and play better when you’re not arguing with morons or trolls on your team.

Pings are really the only communication you need in this game anyway.

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There is the mute player option. I find it’s rare I really need to report someone for Abusive Chat, most of the time I only need to mute the annoying people. As the OP is new, they can make new friends in games, so chat is still worthwhile. I still get people adding me after a game, or asking to do so during because we communicated.

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The new player ranked impressions is HORRIBLE. Lack of solo carrying means solos will suffer heavily

welcome to moba?.. LoL IS wayy worst…turn chat off…ignore them or play with friend :slight_smile: ,

I’ve been in games where a player was far more skilled than their current rank, and they carried. I think Sami carried himself from Silver to Diamond just with Lucio, so it’s possible, but I admit, rare.

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I spent a lot of time practicing. I did pretty well, actually. It was actually me, trying to get people organized. Man, that was a nightmare.

Well , if the Random Potatoe Team Generator puts you with a player that has been getting potatoes nonstop…

Soft? Just laying out my impression. I didn’t log off rocking back and forth and wiping tears. How about don’t be so presumptuous?

I cant even type in the game or I will get reported, so you softies just ruining my game experience by alot, thanks! Gg wp ty …

I’ve seen (very toxic abusive/and not) players in game declare they are reporting someone for abusive chat, because they didn’t like how that players was performing. It’s not just “softies” that abuse the report system, people often hit report buttons because they “feel” someone lost the game for them. Ironically, often this is from the worst performing person on said team.

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Still cant use chat because even if I type afk or bad decision or even lost from select I will get reported and banned and I only play ranked, so I just rather play all muted

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Welcome to the Moba genre, Revenant. That’s how all moba games looks like since they come to life…

Exactly it’s usually the worst performing player, who rages about his team. :joy:

Tooton’s fairy tale storys… League of legend your prime example has items and solo carry, but people in LoL are toxic as in Hots. People there also rages about bad players and feeders, do they?

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In hindsight, after playing some games on my smurf, new players are also incredibly toxic to each other and even to better players. I got mass reported by lvl 50-ish players flaming me because i was soaking (even thought i was top dmg, siege, xp and 16 kills, 2 deaths) saying i was afk.

People that are new to the game are toxic even thought they often know almost nothing about the game. It really goes both way, saddly. I never flame new players but its insane that those people think they are right and know everything after 50 games and a 35% winrate.

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True story, I experienced the same yesterday, where I got flamed by our 40% Qhira-player with 6 death…

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I have a feeling you’re getting reported for valid reasons as well. I don’t know you, but you have a@@hole written all over you. :wink:

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I would argue that the toxicity calms down as early as Gold, Silver and Bronze are a cesspool in my experience but Gold is a 50/50 at the worst in my experience better odds overall, not perfect but far from what is being dscribed here… and Gold is where most of the population resides so…

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