New player here

Just had my first round on Deathwing where I understood his role and damn is he fun


Hey man, welcome! It’s good to know that you’re liking the game. Don’t mind the forums, it can be pretty full-on and elite here, and don’t always really talk about sunshine and posies on here for new or other players a-like. I thought I’d post here and quickly welcome you before some elitist posters comes in with replies expecting you to know all 100 builds and talents before posting lol. Welcome to the game though! :stuck_out_tongue:


He is lots of fun! Kinda tricky to draft sometimes with his counters, but still really good and really strong in the right hands.

Nothing beats being a giant unstoppable dragon!

And welcome to the forums!


Thank you,
The one thing I’m not new to is forums so I thought I’d start out by posting something light to digest and try to keep that vibe going.

I found myself swapping ummm stances? A lot just to roar at the enemy team lmao
Oh right and for abilities


Heh deathwing is fun but can be a bit tricky in a draft setting because his coutners counterh im HARD (respect the Kharazhim RESPECT the Kharazim)

Glad to see new faces on the forums, might i recomend stopping by The Joy Thread which is our wholesome thread
Or feel free to make new topics whatever’s on your mind

And if ever you feel like learning Qhira I’m your guy if you want some tips and tricks.


Welcome to the Nexus and the Forums! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
May I ask you a few questions: How did you know about the game? What’s the reason that made you want to try it?
If you’re interested in the social medias/forums side of games then you should check the game’s Reddit out! The devs are very active there.
This site (Overstalk) is really useful if you want to see all (Blizzard games) devs’ comments/responses on all platforms (Forums, Reddit, Twitter, Youtube):


I’m glad you found a hero you resonate with.

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Hehe, you know some of us can’t help ourselves…


Congrats with enjoying DW. If you will need some help to learn other heroes - we are welcome to help.

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correction. full of trolls

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I play OW
So I Have the blizzard app and I installed it.

I’ve been playing brawl and making sure I only pick heroes I haven’t played yet to learn everyone better.


Deathwing is very fun! I love his unique unstoppable and ignore all ally effects mechanic, global presence, two different forms and who doesn’t like to dominate the battleground as a massive dragon?

Perversely I must admit I enjoy making Deathwing players lives feel miserable playing Leoric against them, but don’t mind me! Welcome to the forums.


It’s nice to be able to heal yourself while looking for the best engage too. I really enjoyed that mechanic


Welcome to the forums!

It is always fun to cast Cataclysm, and watch people scatter like ants under a magnifying glass, too!


Not getting CC’d is a blessing indeed


Welcome to the forums! that I see why support the Siam Tower to the mix the world need heroes.

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Deathwing is strong. I feel like he’s a mini-boss after all that effort and relief after you kill him. It makes me feel like he deserves to be worth 1.5 hero kills worth of exp. That’s just me any ways.


It is always fun to cast Cataclysm that will find another heroes for the best engage too.


:smiley: Welcome to hots! :smiley:
Ive recently been playing alot of deathwing to. Im on a quest to prove to the universe that you should never count the dragon out.

I dont know why but I really like playing all the wierd underappreciated heroes :stuck_out_tongue:


Man, his Q can 100-0 pretty much anything in the game, growing in number as he talents into it if he does. All it takes is a good stun or a trap like Naz walls. ETC is DW’s homeboy.

People sleep on Deathwing but he’s a Level 50 Boss. It’s not like you can’t help him either, people just seem to constantly be allergic to regen globes. They do heal our boy, after all! That also does make Alexstrasza, ironically, the only healer who can actually technically provide DW with healing.