New patch note and maiev nerf ! (not buffed)

er, reading this, if you cast two fan of knives in 5 seconds after hitting an equal amount of heroes to pre-patch you’re dealing more damage to those heroes.

I’m missing the nerf part?

okay ,see a bit better know, you have to actually teleport.

But, it lets you deal more damage if you land 2+ fan of knives… i’m confused. How is this a damage nerf?

especially if they’re diving, surely you have time to hit multiple to get the CDR on fans.

and if .5% per hero hit, say up to 2.5%, is the big difference, the person diving is so low that if your team focused better they should have died in the majority of cases?

I’m honestly struggling to see how the knives change is a nerf as long as you can land at least two knives.

it looks better if you’re short on time, like how the enemy is diving your backline, and how were you hitting both valla and tracer at the same time?

Honestly your answer doesn’t make sense.

The ability is better to “quick damage” if you hit multiple enemies with it, and worse if you previously were damaging enemies 5 times to get the 150% multiplier.

And a “time is essential” seems important when your backline is in danger.

I find it annoying in scenarios where enemies are not grouped up, and i think the ability needs a higher baseline to compensate for it’s lower max potential. But in the scenario you’re describing it doesn’t fit as a nerf for me… but, i don’t play maiev much, so that is that.

yes the fan of knives gotten buffed, but it still irrelevant compared to the nerf of W
imagine hitting a tracer+valla with fan of knives? lol, but with W you could do your maiev stuffs and kill them, with Q it’s nearly impossible against those high mobility heroes, same for genji and all this

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oops, though i was writing a new post, sorry that my response is in an edit post, my bad!

Im gonna monitor the situation about her, but I wont enter the game till devs change something. she was my favorite character, I spent a lot of time practicing and understanding that hero. She had some issues but now she is unplayable for me


don’t worry it’s cool aha, what i meant is even imagine a tracer diving your morales, with W lvl 16 you could 1 shot her and save morales. Now…? U can just pull her back… and she will dash to finish your healer and you also. because your W deals no dmge vs 1 hero anymore, and fan of knives wont hit. even with 2 or 3 heroes, the dmge of W isnt powerful enough anymore, if they are all with a high mobility, fan of knives wont do much


You know it is a BIG deal, when there are people with only a few posts making new threads.

Normally forums are filled with 1000+ post players, that seem to spend more time in the internet browser than in game.

This change really hurts Maiev and I will not be playing her anymore. I started learning to play her just 2 weeks ago for the sole purpose of mastering Cruel Chains build.

Now she will just gather dust in my hero collection.


And… all of them played Cruel Chains build.

Which was why it was nerfed from 40% per stack (up to 200%) to 30% per stack (up to 150%) some time ago.

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aha it is not better at all, i dont know how it doesnt make sense, probably i dont know how to make it sound right in english hm…

Anyways, like @Arkham said above, before the patch you could 150% any target no matter the number of them, Now it is just scaling up, and even at 5 targets hit by your W, the dmge is still really underwhelming (which anyways 5 targets hits is still uncommon, even for me and my 1000 ish Maiev game on 1 account only)


Surely you are aware his cleave build got so nerfed no one even picks it and now people complain about his single target one so rest assured he is going to be very soon.
While i would like to agree with the people saying her strenght should be more about aoe damage this kind of “buffs” reeks of what they did to devastating charge so you complainers have my sympathy and support.


The issue is that they did not just remove her 1v1 potential. They removed a ton of her teamfight potential and DELETED an entire playstyle at the same time, which is ironic because in the same patch they buffed abathur’s locust to revive an old playstyle that had died out.


you mean, they MURDERED Maiev’s Playstyle, i now try aa/e build… and… it is boring.


Yeah this is one of my least favorite patches ever for this sole reason. The only other times playstyles were deleted this hard was hard reworks like Azmodan, and people STILL disagree with Azmodan changes. And for Maeiv? We did not even get a PTR…


This patch is just awful indeed

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Yeah, I rarely truly care enough about changes to speak about them but this change is simply horrible. I stayed silent during all of the Samuro changes but this is ridiculous.

also, they buffed abathur locusts in the same patch to revive an old build that died… Kinda ironic


They didn’t buff her dealing damage to multiple targets—they nerfed it significantly.


1 target = 150%

2 targets = 150%

3 targets = 150%

4 targets = 150%

5 targets = 150%


1 target = 0%

2 targets = 30%

3 targets = 60%

4 targets = 90%

5 targets = 120%

In every scenario you are dealing significantly less damage.


actually, it would be a small nerf to groups of enemies, and a large nerf to solo targets.

Also, they buffed her abilities against multiple abilities with the Fan of Knives talent, provided you can hit 2+ heroes with your initial cast after using your teleport.

I do think that the nerf to the damage against lots of targets is silly and should be changed, but it did nerf her single target damage greater than multiple targets, which is semi-consistent with her strengths/weaknesses.

I don’t think you understand how difficult it is to chain 5 targets. If you could manage it even once in a game that would be surprising, and you’d be rewarded with 30% less damage than you’d have gotten previously for something you could do consistently every time your W was off cooldown. This nerf is astronomical.


The fanatical power treatment.

cries in Whitemane

You can never tell at draft if you’ll be able to get fan resets. You would have to be looking at team that entirely melee with little CC/slows to get guaranteed fan value. Even then you would need a map with a concentrated objective where everyone gathers.

Lots of heroes get power spikes at… surprise(!) 16 that reduce their weaknesses. W build needed you to take some core talents early on to enable it fully too. It’s not like you took cruel chain at 16 and magically became a master 1v1 hero. You still had to position and execute the combo… That’s not easy against targets with range, mobility or CC either.


Many heroes have builds that come online late game (levels 16-20) that go against their base design.

Murky’s slime build makes him a tank with shocking damage at 20. The only thing that’s slows him down is hard CC. Leoric’s AA build only starts at 13 and hits it’s core talent 16. Leo’s slow AA’s push his hero combat around landing drain hope. Yet at 16 he becomes an AA nightmare…


Similar to how KT had his Ignite talent removed and later added back again.