New Kerrigan is WEAK

That actually sort of proves my point for why pickrate is almost negligibly useful in determining the balance state of a hero.

Pickrate is a matter of perception.
Winrate is a matter of statistical reality.
If the two conflict, winrate must, by default, be the correct value because it is the objective measure.

Sure, there are plenty of heroes people consider “strong” or “weak,” but there are quite a few heroes considered “strong” that are actually weak, and quite a few that are considered “weak” that are actually strong. There are tons of people who still think severely underperforming heroes like Li Ming, Genji, Diablo, Garrosh, Tracer, etc are strong or OP, but these are statistically some of the worst heroes in the game.

If you’re talking about “unfun,” that is another matter entirely. I think a lot of people falsely equivocate “unfun” with “too strong,” which is why heroes that tend to be frustrating to play against often end up with people demanding nerfs to them despite their often average-at-best winrates.

but thats typical blizzard they rework a hero and after that they nerf it to the ground and the hero gets weaker thant pre-rework.

The >4k dmg combo I listed takes <2 sec to execute. If killing a full health hero in 1x1 in <2 seconds is not burst, then may I ask what is?

And if you want something faster, a slightly damaged valla can be killed with just QQQ, which would take <1 second to execute.

Kerrigan is in the exact same spot she was pre-rework. Same winrates, same pickrates, same awful talent diversity. They didn’t accomplish anything with it.


minus her 7 and 10 having options.

*psst, bladed momentum isn’t king, but it still comparable to the top pick and ultralisk used to be considered a terrible heroic, but now its taken more than maelstrom

its almost as if the most popular build choice is the one that requires the least amount of adaptation to the rework changes :open_mouth:

they kinda did achieve something with it, they made Kerrigan less fun. The only thing that really needed the rework was the Ultralisk ult. Otherwise she was fine. She was never that dependent on the W+E combo to be successful. As someone said, those skills had (and still have) viable uses on their own.

For me, it feels she’s just more niche. Without Fury, she feels overall weaker in teamfights, weaker at pushing lanes, and weaker at mercing… Losing that talent strips her of her versatility.

And for some reason which I can’t put my finger on, it feels like her Maelstrom ult is weaker than it was in absolute terms, not just relative to Ultralisk.

The change became a longer time to kill with smaller attacks, thus the change by adding charges to Ravage. This is really unsatisfying.

She used to be able to do her combo: Pull, stun, AA, leap, AA, and do a sizeable amount of damage. Even be able to leap long distances to catch a running low health to finish them off.

Long jump was removed.

After the combo, she has to run, AA, or die.

Now, she needs to last hit things to build the damage up in order to do any damage that is noticeable with Sharpened Blades.

Her shields are pretty much wet noodles now. Takes a VERY long time to build them up. No one is going to spend that much time building up a shield, since she will die before then.

Both her ultimate’s are weak.

Removing the passive cleave ruined her wave clear. She has to peck her way to MAYBE a kill. Last hitting is pretty much required to build up her damage to what it once was, or to even be taken notice. So what is her place now?

At lvl 20…and must hit with all attacks. What does she do between 1-19?

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I take bolt at lvl20. What does that have to do with the damage? :S I’m confused.
I only listed lvl20 damage values since that’s what ppl usually think in - lvl20 hp values, lvl20 damage values, lvl20 kill potential. Scale down 4%/level, if you tend to think in different lvl values. Almost everything scales 4%/level, so the effect will be exactly the same at any other level, just the values different.
The full combo comes online at lvl16 with the Q talent. But even the unbuffed values are heavy enough (so lvl10, since 13 is just survivability). Q kerrigan is a monster killer (to be rightfully feared, focused, denied or run away from) from the moment you finish the quest. Other kerrigan builds are strong from lvl4-7. And it’s still kerrigan, she still gets a lot of lvl1 kills. Fighting all mid vs a kerrigan is bound to not end well.

Even 16 for coming into her own is a problem, as she used to have become powerful/useful already at level 4/7 before her rework.

Now with the rework it requires more skill and time to achieve the same outcome as before, while being frustrated by ults that feel weak.

This make the character feel weak overall and way too much of a risk for what is basically an all-in melee assassin. High risk=moderately low pay-off. Not fun to play for anyone.

Before she used to be high risk=high pay-off. That worked better.

More skill is not a problem. It’s become more work for less pay off. I agree with you in that regards for sure. It’s really high risk with very little pay off. She already required much skill to pull stun at the right moment and leap to chase down low health players.

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Win rates aren’t everything. Especially with such a low pick rate. Blizzard probably has the tools to do a deeper analysis into her average stats per league which are infinitely more valuable in a team game like this.