New Kerrigan is WEAK

I liked to play her a little before. Now I don’t even want to bother. She is super weak now. You’d think the extra leaps would get the job done. Nope.

Why remove cleave, and change it to a temp buff?


One game huh?


Thank you. I need to rephrase.

“She is WEAK, WEAK! Well, not that weak.”

She was good for a bit after the rework but got nerfed really hard. A bit unfortunate. She needs buffs right now. I think she’s even weaker than before the rework when she was a really fringe pick


I liked Fury not being a Q proc

It’s great and all when you micro your Q a bit when clearing and basically have permanent Fury uptime but you know it was really great to be able to take camps faster and without taking as much damage on an assassin that really benefits from having multiple ways to provide value in a game outside of good W+E’s

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53.1% winrate in HL/TL
52.5% winrate in QM

“needs buffs”

Pick one.


And what is the pick rate?:thinking:


4.7% in HL/TL
7.1% in QM

Doesn’t change the fact that a hero with a winrate higher than 52% should not be buffed.
She certainly isn’t super strong, but she is far from “weak” or in need of buffs, as OP and HailFail are claiming.


Kerrigan has always had a rather high winrate, even while trash tier

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Then she ain’t been trash tier. Just because only a small number of people liked playing her doesn’t mean she was bad.

Probius currently has a 56.3% winrate in HL/TL. It doesn’t matter that his pickrate is only 1.1%, there is no way you can call that “trash tier.”

Trash tier describes heroes that statistically make their team more likely to lose when someone picks them. Stereotypical examples of that would be Tassadar (sorry DrLogan) and Chen, but Genji (25.5% pickrate, 42.5% winrate) and Li Ming (20.1% pickrate, 42.6% winrate) actually also fit this category.

Perception is not as important is statistical reality in this case.

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Some less know youtuber made a video saying to wait to use the combo. Wait till they run so you know the direction.

The ravage build reminds me of last hitting.

“Liked” versus “chose”. You’re wrongfully leaving out pickrate as a factor towards the value of a hero.

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Got it, lets never touch Probius. I think we should nerf him because of how high his winrate is.

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So you’re saying that because she wins 50% of her games in 10% of the times she is picked, she is fine? lol, sorry that makes little sense.
10% doesn’t sound like a popular pick and this can suggest that people have a problem with her.

Also, I’d rather analyze her skills and numbers compared to what she was like before the rework. I think her rework is weakened both in numbers and skills/talents.

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People are more likely to choose heroes they like.

People usually pick the hero(es) they do because they either enjoy their playstyle and/or expect to win more with them. If a hero has a high winrate but a low pickrate, as Kerrigan has had and currently has, they aren’t “trash tier,” they are simply not engaging or fun enough.

I’m not sure how much, if any of this, is sarcasm, but I will say he certainly should not be buffed.

Uhm? 10% (popularity) of the times she is picked is her 100%, right? So she is winning 50% of her games.
What is wrong about that?

i’m not up to date on current numbers just yet but this isn’t a good argument. pickrate is an extremely reliable way to gauge how strong a hero is, especially in higher Master league and pro games. if high skill players simply weren’t picking or banning her often, it means she wasn’t as good as you think she is. on the flip side, looking purely at winrate is objectively one of the worst ways to gauge hero effectiveness because even terrible heroes can have a high winrate. this is due to players picking them ONLY in situations where they know they will likely win no matter what.

this proves my previous point. winrate alone means nothing. the fact that the best players in the game simply don’t use probius at all means he isn’t actually that good. his winrate is simply the result of a low population boosting it up.

Chen and tassadar also have very low pickrates in non-pro play. leaving out information might make it seem like you’re correct but when you bring in the full picture, things make sense.

and yet genji is an objectively GOOD hero as he was doing well in pro games despite the large amount of horrid nerfs to his kit and talents. this shows how once again, winrate alone means nothing. it’s the equivalent of me playing 5 games with one hero and saying “I’m a master maiev, I have an 80% winrate with her!” while ignoring that I only played her during those 5 games.

I agree but manipulating numbers to feed your perception isn’t recognizing statistically reality. Exclusively looking at Winrate isn’t and has never been a good way to determine hero strength.

You mean when she was top winrate with 58%wr and 80% popularity?
Now she is merely in top 10 higher winrates boohoo.


HailFaill has always had a rather high Troll level, even while being trash topic creator.

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