New game mode! chaos mode

I want a game mode that’s readily accessible like ARAM, with some of the old game modes available like Pool Party… or the Chromie match on the same map as pool party with stitches. SO FUN!!! In addition. I want a specific mode where everyone can be the same hero, and everyone can be whoever they want… Like maybe like aram… have 5 options, but then everyone has those same exact options so that everyone can be Li Ming, or Hammer, or even ABATHUR!!! He’s my fav… I know the rest of you lower class people hate him, that’s fine :smile_cat:
We can’t all have the more sophisticated taste as us aba fans. I hope you all can read my semi serious sarcasm.
Seriously though… bring those maps/play options back! AND THE NEW ADDITION: CHAOS MODE… everyone has same heroes to chose from and can possibly all be the same exact hero every match. PRETTY PLEASE and thank you.


Yes, please :grinning:
Also do not understand why it no longer exists.

If only new modes would be added then, because there are plenty of brawl worthy ideas. Here another one:

Abathur royale

  • All 10 players are abathur.
    • All level scaling does only apply to the monstrosity, abathur remains at level 1 weakness from the start. He does regen HP, but obviously in the late game monstrosities will do heavy damage to abathur. Mines also become more dangerous later in the round.
    • There are no talents (all talent choises are fixed and instantly applied in such way it makes the monstrosity and hatting itself more powerful). Note that the monstrosity will have a damaging aura!
    • The ulti is always Monstrosity. This monstrosity is also abathurs trait (the locust is automaticly transformed). If the monstrosity is killed, abathur has to wait 10 seconds for it to respawn.
    • Mines can be placed on regions you have vision of. But mines do not apply splash damage (the monstrosity can be used to clear them if needed)! Upon detonating a mine, nearby mines are revealed. Mines can do self damage! Mines can be detonated using stab and spikes (they will pierce the mine)
  • On the map there are 50 nydusses they can use to enter the field. Upon entering the field, the abathurs are stealthened for 10 seconds so they can move away from their nydus.
    • The stealth is there to reduce the chance of combat, but obviously as center spawns are more beneficial, the risk of getting direct combat is higher.
    • Initialy abathurs are randomly given a nydus to spawn from, but they can decide to pick a diffirent one.
    • It is not possible for 2 abathurs to spawn at the same nydus (if this happen BOTH are sent to a diffirent randomized nearby nydus! But nydusses are somewhat equaly spreaded out.
    • And none of them are perfectly centered. And none are near the edge of the map
  • The map itself is a large circle (size is about the size of a 2 lane map) with some solid regions and a lot of bushes.
    • The outer regions contain fountains, and they can only be used once for any player
      • They grant abathur a shield for 5 minutes
      • And permanently increase his level by 2
    • Globes randomly spawn acros the field. These globes also apply CDR.
  • Each 2 minutes the field is reduced in size by 20% (after 20 minutes only 10% of the field is remaining, and after 30 minutes this is just 3%). The map always shows the next 2 circles (up to 6 minutes ahead).
    • The first 10 circles are essentialy not restricted (doesnt matter much at this point after all)
    • The circles afterward center upon a walkable area, although it can center on a bush, the system tries to avoid this from happening
  • When abathur dies, he is entirely killed, his monstrosity will however continue until dead!
    • When the monstrosity has no aggro target, it will stand still. Which is also the behaviour when its not hatted.
  • When you kill an abathur, you dont gain anything! The idea is to survive, not to kill as much as possible!

Last one standing wins and ends up with the Winner winner, Essence Dinner title.
i know its not going to happen, but sometimes writing down random ideas can be fun to do