New Blizzard Games

www. forbes. com/sites/paultassi/2019/06/07/with-a-starcraft-shooter-canceled-the-state-of-blizzard-is-concerning/#78d57b00133c

Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 with pve content.

This guy seems to hammer Blizzard over cancellation of a SC fps, but I think he sees things backwards.

I hammer blizzard all of the time, but I think canceling the project makes sense because OW has a huge fan base already, and if you are going to do OW2, SC FPS made little sense.

I also dont see SC fans being happy that the next installment of the franchise was FPS and not RTS. But thats just my opinion.

I do agree that Blizzard has been in a terrible management state and it shows in their game production decline, and even in employee morale issues if you are paying attention.

But if they pull of a decent D4 and a decent follow up to OW, I think that would go a long way to getting them back on track. Cross your fingers.


Overwatch has problems.
Let’s, instead of fixing them, make Overwatch 2.
If something goes wrong, we can make Overwatch 3 too!

This is stupid.


OW is also three years old.

It was also made out of Titan and the devs had little experience or clear direction on where to go in the FPS MOBA arena.

I think OW2 being made from the ground up has a lot more potential to fix things than trying to patch up its current issues.

If OW2 is just an updated OW I will be disappointed, but it sounds like they may have a vision for where to take the game so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I can’t believe Starcraft Ghost is dead… AGAIN!
Wait a minute, Overwatch’s workshop, nova skin, Starcraft premium arcade…


When I read the Kotaku article, I was curious about the FPS game they were talking about, but I quickly lost interest when I heard that they were trying to follow Battlefield’s lead. I really feel like it was less trying to build a good quality game that is fun to play, and more like they were trying to cash in on the large-battlefield FPS while giving it a Star-Craft skin. I think it also would have been a nightmare because StarCraft is known for having a wide array of troop types just for a single faction, and SC2 had even more diversity on top of those with mercenaries, different strains you could evolve, and even different factions’ take on different troop types. What if you have a favorite troop type that isn’t in the game?.. Or worse, what if that becomes the basis for the revenue model?

While it would be cool to kinda narrow the focus of the game down to a single characters perspective, see the battlefield from the mud-level… the idea relayed in the Kotaku article just didn’t seem engaging to me and I have a small shred of hope that maybe there’s some pushback against the Activision influence…

Only time will tell. Hopefully we can get a better picture at this years Blizzcon… But then, I guess they were serious about that ‘don’t you all have phones?’ question with the app they wanted you to download.

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Diablo 4? They meant to put Diablo Immortal :iphone:

I haven’t looked… has anything at all been said about that game?

I saw a lot of merch go up on the website that made me chuckle… but I haven’t seen any sort of hype about it at all.

I wouldn’t consider it a bad idea for blizz to try to branch out on OW. From what I can see, there’s a lot more interest in the “story” of the world that simply isn’t told through the current gameplay and some people are more interested in just about any character vid that comes out (cough cept’s cough) than in first-person shooters. If a different game design allows people to engage in that setting and be involved in that story, then it could be a means to pull in the audience that wants to be more involved with Overwatch, but is turned off by the genre.

I kinda feel like the articles is missing the forest from the trees.
“Man, the blizzard I knew would release stuff like every year or year and a half” umm… if you count battle-boxes for rereleased stuff or ports, sure. But there’s more like 2-4 gaps between releases before and that’s kinda the scope of how the depth of these games have to expand on the simple pixelated productions made in the 90’s.

Similarly, the older games where pretty much fire-and-forget sales instead of having like 5 products that continue to create new content for players to consume.

New releases are nice, but its a bit disconnected to say blizz hasn’t done anything :confused: Granted, customer perception is important, but branched-off nostalgia isn’t going to be sated by simply releasing something for the sake of releasing it.


Overwatch is a very popular IP for Blizzard.

Its the only new world they have created in the last 20 years. Every game since Star Craft in 1998 has just been remaking existing IPs.

It only makes sense for them to branch out OW into new games, an kind of surprised they havent focused on it more.

If they can make a good PVE game out of OW, it will only grow the franchise.

Not all FPS games are the same.

OW2, building in it’s small map fast matches with some new things… would/will be fine!

But, what is described is a completely different kind of game.

But as someone else brought up already… Starcraft Ghosts. :frowning:
Just make the game finally!!!

Every time Blizzard wants to shell out a new game doesn’t mean they need a new IP or stick to an existing one within their respective genre… that line of thinking would never have brought us WoW. I mean, why make an RPG from an RTS IP when you’ve already got Diablo?

Crossing IPs over genres isn’t a bad thing; if they’d release a Starcraft themed shooter or RPG I’d eat that stuff right up.

EDIT: Actually, the fact they canceled it in favor of Overwatch 2 irks the hell out of me. It’s got Call of Duty Blackops 9000 written all over it.

We aren’t talking about everytime.

They literally had not released a new IP in 20 years before OW.

At some point they need to branch out a little, and OW has been a huge franchise success so why not.

Also, does the hard core star craft crowd really want an FPS?

Just makes more sense to take an existing FPS and branch it into PVE than to take a beloved RTS and branch it into an FPS.

well hey if thats the case lets drop HotS and make a shiny new MOBA.

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cast the next Starcraft game as a take on the Dynasty Warriors/Hyrule Legends sort of games XD Could give it a unique spin and have players control several units as an elite group instead of just select Heroes and have the scenarios play out akin to the LoV intro video.

Then get a fighting game spin-off that plays out what-if scenarios of hero characters forced into amon’s chain of accession – could even give it up multi-player or party-game spin where players form teams to support their lead fighter and create a different take on the 3v3 genre of tag-team fighting games.

I find it very funny that all of these articles keep referencing the Kotaku article, they don’t have the sources from Blizzard itself like Kotaku “did”, they have the sources of another article from a site with a trash reputation of creating very vague and terrible articles constantly.

The source of all these articles coming from one article sounds so off, not buying it sorry.

Forbes (the one OP linking):


PC games, why?

I like Rock Paper Shotgun, this is also the first dumb article I saw them make.

More sites that I don’t wanna bother in naming them:

Some Solvenian website, original and a Google translatation:

And many more,

This is so dumb, I don’t trust Kotaku in the slightest beacuse of their articles are absolutely trash and sometimes overreacting like most clickbait articles do to make free cash, this is so fake news and those other sites are jumping the train just to create that this is actually real when all their sourcing LITERALLY COMES FROM THE SAME EXACT ARTICLE


but Sami, why source stuff when clearly other people can be told to just google it themselves and act like they had whatever they wanted all along!


welcome to games journalism where the sources are made up and the references don’t matter



isn’t that just about any journalism now?

“This just in - Unnamed sources say that the president bashes little puppy heads against trees in his spare time at the Whitehouse.”

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Only about 10% of it, but a certain someone screeching “fake news” at every negative story about him has unfortunately warped public opinion pretty badly - if you repeat a lie often enough, inattentive people will start thinking it’s the truth.


Its also the last game the released and they are already making a sequel? Blizzard used to be known for supporting their games instead of jumping to sequels…

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