New account. 70% winrate. Same potatoes from earliest matches

MMR is a lie. Matchmaking is a lie. You do not get better teammates nor better opponents as you win. You get better teammates and better opponents based on your winrate. If you win a lot, you will be forced to lose. The same guy I had in my last game on a lvl 25 account was in my first 1-5 games. I remember his acc name.


Why even smurf in hots nowadays


Yep i never liked the schtroumpf btw :thinking:

:blue_heart: :boy: :girl: :santa:

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:smiling_imp: :cat:

:door: :santa: :genie: :door:

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:santa: :genie: :triumph:

:imp: :skull: :cat: :cry:

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You know too much thing, follow me now ! :oncoming_police_car::policeman::policewoman::police_car:


As you all can see, these forum mains have no means for arguing against the forced winrate.

Why would be discuss what has no existence, and is only used as a term for ragers.


“Hmm ragers use this term. The term must not exist. Matchmaking is fair.”

That’s some sound logic right there, JaPeD.

70% against beginner players, i smell a bitter Silver league player who doesnt progress.

First 50-100 pvp games are in protected queue because noobs btw.

And yeah, silver to gold doesnt have much difference.

Plat you get actual drafts most of the time

Diamond = i dont even know what these players are, drafts might go well but execution is just so bad sometimes.

Edit: when the top 10% of player pool have people who play melee Raynor it doesnt make me confident on Master players knowing much of anything.


Where is that 50-100 games thing written? Why is it 50-100 instead of a fixed number?

There is no forced loss system. The current system only “slightly” curves down your point gain when you win streak.

On my new account I made on Asia (since I moved to Korea), I noticed that I get probably 5-10 less gain per win than I would if it was a flat 200 score. But this has nothing to do with lowering my win rate to some artificial 50% threshold, it just makes me have to win a few extra games every jump to make progress.

If your allies are potatoes or not generally doesn’t have anything to do with the matchmaker. Usually it has more to do with what time of day you play at. If you play during prime-time, you will get a pretty good spread of players. If you play in off-time, you generally get more casual people and your chances of getting afk or people who only know how to play 1-2 heroes goes up.

Play to win, only play ranked during regular gaming hours, and at worse the current system slows you ~5%. It only matters over the course of like 1k games.

You literally just self-discovered what blizzard made public knowledge. They literally told everyone that is how the game works. LOL. AND, there is no sense in creating a new account nowadays bc the community is so small and MM is so messed up after so many people left just after the season began. It should get better next season, but it’s likely that you’ll continually be with and against anything from masters to bronze.

I had several games against masters and GM players, then some how was matched with bronze players. It’s all over the place right now. Ranks and MMR mean nothing at the moment. Just be glad you are finding games.

This is not true. There is NO forced loss system, currently i’m at a 63% winrate on my main hero. There are many people who have INSANE CRAZY winrates (80-90%) but without the MMR to compensate.

I know there is some debate on whether hotslogs is accurate, but assuming that it is, I suggest you check out the “Hero Leaderboards”
It shows people on every character ranging from a 55% winrate to a 85% or even 90% winrate, and you might even notice that these 80% winrate people have a lower MMR than the 60%.

I did some testing, and it turns out, its actually VERY EASY to get insane winstreaks and winrates, and it doesn’t even boost your MMR that much.

Lets take the abathur leaderboards, currently on 1/1/19, there is a 55% winrate at #3, and a 69.2% winrate at #5. The leaderboard is NOT BROKEN.

A while ago I played a game with a few other very high mmr people, our average was 3000 and the enemy’s average was about 1800 (matchmaking am I right) and we got 0 MMR from that match. Like I said, its very easy to get a high winrate: Play with high mmr players, if your average is 3000, your winrate is prolly like 80%.

But you’ll find you won’t actually have that much mmr at the end of it, because the game takes that into account and thus you do NOT get the rewards as you would be playing with worse and against better players.

TL:DR: There is no forced winrate, winrate is NOT MMR, MMR exists because it predicts winrate and is thus representative of your skills, but it takes into account your team as well.

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Okay so why did I go on several winstreaks in HL and get lower ranked teammates and higher ranked opponents (sometimes a spread of 2 divisions or 8+ ranks above me and 5-6 below me) every time I went on a winstreak of over 5+ games?

You said MMR doesnt exist.

LUL, your troll-thread rekt.

– --. got shrekt
