Nerf Valeera, silence too long

I had a fun game vs Aba Illidan combo with Hammer on their team as well, too bad the Illidan lost 1v1 vs AA Zeratul even with the hat and they didnt go all in 1 lane and let Aba soak.

All games are winnable if you play your comp right.

Once i qued as Valeera with a Genji main on Genji, i silenced and reduced them to 30-50% HP, genji cleaned up, i think we won like 45 to 6 kills or smth. Some things are dirty and QM is cheesy


I died to valeera wandering around alone as jaina at 30% hp pls nerf


This is the reply i was looking for, welcome to our world with your threads.

Also 100% Ming works too.


Force Armor?

That’s not how balance works. You buff the under performing talents, not nerf the only ones keeping her afloat.


QM is an all-random clown fiesta that should never under any circumstances be the focus for balance changes.

I like Pally and enjoy watching him, but he isn’t exactly the pinnacle of great play. In the vid you’re talking about he chases Tracer into her base and dies to towers while failing to get the kill


Do you want a tissue?

Ok if they unnerf eviscerate and bring back cold blood sure :slight_smile:

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Actually a decent idea and an unappreciated talent IMO, Garrote dot rips through the armor though.

Overall a good reply and the first one that didnt involve l2p with actual arguments and solutions, thank you. :slight_smile:

They can do it the same patch they nerf khala’s light

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Oh how the tables have turned, the victim of l2p answers has become the victimizer.


Pulled a sneaky on ya


Because we’ve already said these conterarguments alot in the past and we’re jus tired of seeing the same whining threads.

Valeera has already been nerfed to the ground. Her current build is the only one keeping her in the game. if you still can’t deal with her, then it really is an L2P issue.

So let’s see. Li-ming at 100% health you said? you couldn’t reveal valeera with your Q or W to knock her out of stealth before she can land her silence on you? her teleport is really short. Not to mention at lvl 7 (since you are complaining about Val’s lvl 7) you get to reveal her with a 3rd ability, and at lvl 10 you get a 4th. Valeera shouldn’t be able to go near you.

Sorry to say it but really, L2P.



When people see the same threads already defeated 3 days prior and someone makes the same threads with the same already defeated talking points.

People are going to run out of patience.

It’s like people don’t understand how social interactions work or something.


Literally every thread you make.


Literally locks down falsted and kills before you even can cast an escape. It’s just not fun to play against

“Were you just sitting in stealth? ---- you!”

1 year later


Don’t play qm if that is your problem.
Qm is for trying new heroes and have casual games.

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when people expect the game to be balanced around QM
 me irl
> :woman_facepalming:


Gosh this thread didn’t really age well, first started sarcastically and took a complete serious turn.

I just hope you are joking
 because valeera has many flaws 

  1. easily spotted under stealth.
  2. refer to number 1 u can break her stealth easily as ming.
  3. simply teleport behind teammates.
    4)once out of stealth using garrote , valeera is too weak because she gets all the aggro and loses most of her energy so one eviscerate won’t kill ming even on full stacks if ming has the talent " force armor ".
  4. QMs are not reference.
  5. i hope again this is a joke.

“Nerf the Stone!”, screamed by scissors “Paper is fine.”


I actually wanted Vanessa Vanclif or the other rogue from deadmines over Valeera.

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