Nerf Bloodlust Ok?

Bloodlust is freakin’ busted and everyone should know it.

To put things in perspective, I am playing 5 man storm league with some average skilled players. Basically we are those players who are always stuck in gold or plat and are convinced that our teams in solo queue are holding us back. Maybe some games are impossible to carry, but rank is “usually” a good indicator of skill level. The point is whenever we play comps without bloodlust, we love to lose. Losing is our favorite past time and I myself am actually very terrible at this game too because I smell like bacon bits.

When we do draft reghar we steamroll fights and I mean make MANY mistakes such as focus the wrong heroes down, chase off in several directions into forts and even willingly fight 3 or 4 Versus 5 if we have BL up. There are even many cases where we can kill a full HP tank in 1 or 2 seconds because of how brutal BL is on heroes like Greymane , Zul’Jin, Valla and especially Archon Ult Tassadar. Artanis blind doesn’t counter because you just wait it out and lust right when it expires. Anub’s web doesn’t really help either b/c if you just hit BL on engage you will win the 4v5.

Anyone else notice this trend in high end games?

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Couple of things
1 yes i agree bl could use some nerfs but lets not pretend like movement speed/healing are THAT different than before. Comps built around bloodlust have ALWAYS been strong even before its buffs and your xp with a 5 man supports this.
2 if artanis is using his blinds before rehgar uses bl he’s just a fool and deserves to lose teamfight.
3 no offense bud but as a fellow plat main who dances around diamond when i play often i want to warn you that they dont consider plat “high league” (even if its just true that its top 10% of hots playerbase probably more).


how about no. i refuse to believe rehgar is so OP cuz of bloodlust. if anything, nerf ana. (grenade -75% healing only).


BL is fine, the main problem is the level 20.

16 seconds of bloodlust where the range covers another lane is just insane. They just need to nerf the level 20 or even change it to something else.

What’s up with the sudden Bloodlust surge?
Did some popular streamer use it or something?

Because people always said it sucked.
When they nerfed Ancestral so he couldn’t use it on himself, people tried it a bit, then they kept saying it sucked and just stopped picking Rehgar.
They buffed Ancestral again, and I guess they’ve touched Bloodlust a bit.
But the most recent change was like 3 months ago, and that was just 10% increase from 30% to 40%, so why is it just now so popular that people are complaining about it when the movement speed is the real power of it anyway.


Kept getting buffed to the point where it just became really good.


I actually take that back. BL kept getting buffed to the point where comps around BL are just too good, but BL only really works in those comps.

What is happening is that people started using it with specific comps in pro play/tournaments, and now 3 months after that playerbase learned about it and started to use it (most of the time wrong, but ok).

The main problem with BL though is the level 20, which is just really stupid. The range literally hits someone on the other side of the screen, and the 16 sec duration is really op.

They don’t need to nerf BL at level 10 at all. It is finally fine and competitive with ancestral healing (which is still good ok guys? Don’t pick BL in every single game, you need a comp for it!). They just need to nerf the level 20 or change it to something else.

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Ok so the level 20 can be changed to increase attack speed to 60%… either that or nerf bloodlust base level 10 and buff to what it is now