Need more dragons in hots!

I vote for Galakrond skin for Deathwing or Ysera for Alextrasza! :slight_smile:


Those would be neat.
I really like Ysera (fav dragon cuz I’m a fanboi of dreams and stuff related to them), but having two green dragons would probably be really confusing for ppl (silhouette problem).

Also if I can invite you, pls read my Nozdormu concept

Chromatus from the Warcraft novel Thrall:Twilight of the Aspects could be a 5 person controlled Hero.

Ultraxxion and halion as map objectives.
And while he is not a dragon damn do i want hakkar as a pushing obj.

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D.VA already has the four aspects as skin so maybe if one of them join the game like Malygos or Ysera.

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Why not hakkar as a hero?


He is too badass t for that.

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You nerds and your Warcraft dragons. The next Deathwing skin should be Tathamet.

With all the complaints we got about Deathwing?

No thanks.

I think Anu and Tathamet should be their own characters tbh. They deserve it.

…but i mean if they could make them skins for other heroes we have i wouldnt complain much either.

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Dragons are oversised lizards with extra limbs. Cosmic horrors are way more cooler, vote for The Overmind.


ysera would be really easy for an alex skin,
since they just recycled both of alex’s forms with a few tiny changes