Nearly every game is one-sided now

Seems like it was improving for a while, and then it stopped improving with DW. Even with games that don’t have DW in them, it’s pretty clear at about 2 minutes which team is going to win.


Well, this trend coincides with the introduction of EXP globes, so it’s safe to assume that those are to blame.


That seems a bit dramatic, but point taken.

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Correlation is not causation.


Sure, but what else could be causing it? Even in games where Deathwing isn’t present, snowballs are a very common occurrence now. EXP globes seem to be the most likely cause, because the reduced collection range (Before the patch, the EXP collection range was 12; now it’s only 6) makes it more difficult to soak EXP if your team/lane is at a disadvantage.


How are xp globes related to teamcomps?

This isn’t a conversation about team comps, last time I checked.

The 2-minute mark is the point where one team usually starts to gain a level lead, and/or the first objective is about to spawn. The first team to win the objective or gain a level lead tends to keep that lead for most of the game now.

The only one sided games I experienced in QM are when one team has a clear comp advantage that the other cannot overcome.

How do XP globes create bigger level leads?

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By forcing the losing team to give up EXP that they would otherwise be able to collect. Before the introduction of EXP globes, the maximum range to soak EXP was 12; now you have to get within 6 range to collect it.

So if there’s an enemy hero zoning you out of your lane, it’s likely that you’ll miss out on a lot of EXP that you would otherwise have been able to collect safely. And as the enemy team gains a bigger level lead, it becomes even easier for them to zone you out of EXP, cementing their lead even further.


Even if true, the better team still wins. At worst, they now win faster. That’s fine by me.

If you’re winning, and the lanes are pushed in your favor, it means the minions are closer to the enemy team’s side. it’s always been like that.

That’s why it’s harder to collect gems on Tomb of the Spider queen after you pushed the lanes, because all the gems spawn far away from you.

You’ve always been able to zone ppl out of xp. Ppl just didn’t realize it because they couldn’t see it.

When the enemy has a level lead, you soak while they’re at the objective. They can’t gain the obj and zone you out of xp at the same time. No matter which system it was.

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9 matches losing streak currently. Players dying in the first minutes constantly. Healer with over 10 deaths in the end, tanks not knowing what to do, Butchers charging over half the screen into a group of 5 people. It’s just dumb.

Either you stomp the enemy or your are stomped by the enemy. Hardly any match is even anymore. If one team has like 20 more kills like the other even Blizzard should finally realize that something is not right. Even and fair fights should be really tight as you see when you watch tournaments. The kills are quite even there, the XP, too. The standard game in HotS though is like 3 levels difference and often 2-3 kills vs. 25.

Always assuming that they are not feeding, this is because of…

Just saying. Without a strong tank/front line/peels, the opponent knows to focus the healer.

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Matchmaking has been terrible for years now, not only with hero balancing but also individual skill level.

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Almost every game I’ve played in since the introduction of exp-globes has ended with a 3-level advantage, and 4-level leads have gone from exceedingly rare to merely uncommon. I even saw a literal 5-level advantage for the first time ever last week.

Exp-globes are definitely a major player in this.


If the better team is supposed to be determined in the first 2 minutes then why make the game nearly 20 minutes long? Why not just make it so that the nexus dies instantly when someone hit’s level 2 if that’s the intention. Seems like a ham handed way of dismissing the problem at hand to just say ‘either way the better team wins’

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Not all heroes can safely retrieve xp globes.

It also corresponds to winter holidays in NA so many ahem less experienced and casual players have time to play. So quality goes down. Wait till about January 6th for the vacation schedules to normalize.

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Can you elaborate?

Yup, losing a really close game is almost as good as winning, but in quick games it’s like you said, stomp or be stomped. It’s not fun, for either team.
And it’s not because of the latest patch, it has been like that for a long time already. Best games i had was with mandatory tanks and healers, sadly, it’s no longer live.

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