My HoTs Tier list *based on hero strength and my personal opinion*

That’s OK, not everyone needs the crutch of playing an OP hero.


I honestly cannot for the life of me see why Johanna is considered good at all.

Her blind is straight up unimpactful, 1.5s blind is like 2AAs that get avoided. Her W has a cute stun that really doesn’t accomplish much, her Q has a nice slow when talented, but ignorable if not. The only thing she’s good for is blessed shield as it’s an incredibly powerful ult on a very short cooldown, but that’s all she’s worth.

She can’t secure kills as well as other tanks, her peel is average, her single target damage is non-existent. She has great survivability, but that doesn’t matter when you’re easily ignored by everyone.

Like, I can probably see value in her against melee-heavy comps, but at that point you’re better off playing arthas or blaze.
I want to believe she’s good, but I can’t, can anyone please convince me?

She is LiLi of tanks.


I agree that Poison-build is more to wear opponenets out, but single-target-healers like Lili easily get in trouble when everybody gets low.

Also her AA and Q build do some nifty burst, which is annoying to heal against.

Ultimate to secure kills, blind denies a couple hundred to a couple thousand damage depending on who you hit with it, her waveclear is good, a slow is solid enough peel against most melee characters, and her W is not just a stun but a knockback pulling targets into her which forces clumps for AOE killing and disrupts any and all channels at the same time.

A slow is also more powerful than most people give it credit for because of how movespeed works in this game (everyone has the same base speed).

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She just doesn’t die. She can run up into your back line without a problem and hit/slow all the squishies. She gets in the way of things a lot. Basically, it’s like throwing a whole brick wall at the other team. Like ew why

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She can fill a lot of gaps left by the rest of your draft, and has no real bad matchups, maps, or comps. While she may seem unimpressive in a vacuum, she can enhance the rest of her team the way many tanks cannot. In that sense, she is quite a bit like Arthas.

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> Tracer lower than Murky.
> :thinking:
> I hate this meme, go make me a resturant tier list.

you stand still and AA her. Tracer has now died.

Tracer can game end them all if she has burst, going sustain against sustain is suicide.

I’m C-D class player.



Your lack of faith will not impede my ambitions :angry:

A tier Whitemane?!

And also where Lucio is tiered lol

And here is the issue with tier lists.

TL:DR: what criteria in person experience are you using? Winrate? Abilities to carry? Being card to counter/play against?

Is this based on the ideal teams a hero can fit on?
How well a hero works with 4 semi-random heroes (i.e. assume nothing above weak synergy, and at least a tank and healer)?
Is this looking at heroes that can be countered and are powerful so pick them first?
Is this based on how much they win? (I know it is not for some here.)
Is this just averaging all maps, or assuming some specific maps?

The issue with a tier list is if you don’t explain the criteria for putting people in the list it is hard to comment.

And explaining and making a criteria that others can agree on can be hard.

Sadly it is much harder than a Fire Emblem tier list. Because what criteria matter will vary a lot between between players. Amelia is bad in general, regardless.

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in the gutter where he belongs.

Legault> Everyone


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But Matthew > Legault…

Also Forde is bad. (j/k, but curious if you get the reference.)

About your S tier:
Pretty straight forward except for ETC. As a lv 70-something former ETC main I strongly disagree with putting this hero anywhere above B.
Here is the reasoning: The tanks that are currently dominating (Diablo, Garrosh, Anub) all have better stats in terms of how much damage they can take and stronger kits. Both of ETCs heroics are mediocre at best.
While it can be nice to have a global hero it is better to just pick one in draft that is global baseline from the first minute of the game.
And Moshpit is just not good anymore. At this point there are more heroes who can interrupt it than heroes who can’t. In higher ranks it is basically impossible to get good value from this heroic in a regular basis.

About A tier: Personally I disagree with Nazeebo. Nazeebo is a hero that is supposed to be strong lategame, but provides little to get there. I can’t remember not stomping a Nazeebo in a lane whenever one tried to solo lane against me. Just personal bias I guess…
Also if KTZ is S, so should be Hanzo.
Yrel in A seems weird. I can’t see her on the same level as Imperius. Especially since they are easy to compare in their role as bruiser. Low B imo.

About B tier: Rehgar could be mid-low A tier imo. Generally speaking I would agree with B but that is only because the vast majority of players doesn’t play him to his full potential. Hell, most people don’t even get lightning shield build. It’s like you /want/ to run out of mana.
Junkrat should definitely be high A. Good poke, decent burst, strong cc, high mobility. Has everything a ranged dd should have and more.
I would move Sonya to high C tier. She can lane well and has no sustain issues but that’s really it. Most laners come with an extra gimmick like Dehaka for example (same tier, according to you) with global presence and a stun that lasts longer than a second.
Putting Murky into mid C would be generous. He is countered way too easily.

About B: Ragnaros is in the same spot as Rehgar imo. It really shouldn’t be that hard for the community to figure out how to play him correctly. Lava Wave is meant to be a tool for global soaking yet I read comments like “hurr durr weak trash ult enemy can just sidestep gg”. I am by no means a good player but sit on 70%-80% WR on Rag in low masters - high diamond.
Tychus could be low B. Surely he is not as versatile as Raynor or Zul’Jin, but at the same time he is not as easily counterpicked as a Tracer. Tychus is in a solid spot.
Mal’Ganis. I would put him into B. Don’t really see what he is supposed to be lacking.
Giving TLV a fair rating is hard. They are autowin on Alterac Pass and Garden of Terror but underwhelming on most other maps. I’d be ok with any rating really.
Also I would consider putting Illidan to low B. Sure he can be hardcountered but that requires a complete draft against him which may make the comp weaker in other aspects. And unlike Tracer Illidan isn’t completely useless once countered. He still has strong PvE and a global presence.

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Overall I agree with your list for the most part.

I don’t agree with Xul being trash tier though, I think that he’s T4 in the sense that he actually has a niche that he shines really well in.

I would probably switch him with TLV and call it good.

Aw I main the bad ones lol

Auriel is nowhere near D tier. Idk why everyone acts like off meta = unplayable trash. She has insane healing, is hard to kill, a good ult, and actually pretty high damage for a support.

When I do this I get a pulse bomb sized present.