You’re God damn right.
The OP is so OP that you thought I was saying overpowered instead of original poster at first.
Well I was.
That’s how OP the OP is.
My Vikings are so OP, I soak four lanes at once.
My Tyrael is so OP, he doesn’t run out of mana until he’s been fighting for ten seconds.
My Gall is so OP, I killed the Swarm Host with him. Solo.
My Ana is so OP I can heal myself with Q.
My Whitemane is so OP That she gave a rise out of this thread
my Auriel is so OP that she gives her allies whip-lash
Vikings is SO OP, He’s literally three characters at once! So broken smh
My Diablo is so OP that the Diablo 3 forums are on fire.
My Xul is so OP that casting “raise the dead” raises them even in the real World, and the zombie apocalypse begins there.
My Nova is so OP her Decoy can kill you.
My Anduin is so OP he doesn’t need (t)winblades to win.
And my Nova is so OP that with her triple shot she lines up the planets of the solar system in one line and knocks them all down.
I’m so OP that because I got a like I can necro 1.5 years later AND ignore the “Revive this thread” warning.
totally no cus i inserted a link to this one