My hero is so OP that ... (a topic for fun)

There was such a topic on the Russian forum. I will give a couple of examples so that thou understand what’s what:

  1. My Jaina is so OP that she causes an ice age with her abilities.

  2. My Thrall is so OP that when using Sundering, it splits the entire map in half.

  3. My Sergeant Hammer is so OP that he immediately kills the core with his Blunt Force Gun.

  4. My Raynor is so OP that a huge space cruiser fits in the mines.
    :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy:


BW is so OP that she bend reality with Hyper Shift.
DW is so OP that he can make earthquakes just by useing his dance emote.
Butcher is so OP that he can make enemy team surrender just by looking at him.
LILI is so OP that she is solo respondsible for tea prizes had a 50% rise.

  • Leoric is so OP that even Grim Reaper won’t him and always send him back to life almost instant compared to anyone else.
  • Varian is so OP, he just choose WIN BLADES and automatically win the game.
  • Lucio and ETC are so OP, they can just play music and their enemys dies.

I would write this: My Leoric is so OP that Malthael, using Last Rites on him, kills thyself.

Dancing to death :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: There been such an episode in “Buffy”.

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Sylvanas is so OP because the victory is for the forsaken


Medivh is so op he cheats!


My Chen is so OP because only Chen can kill Chen, can kill Chen.


My medivh is so OP , it doesnt get challenged :joy:


Zeratul is so op not even a flash light can reveal him.

My Chen is so OP that he summons the Chinese army - 10000000000000 :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

And my Zeratul is so cool that it creates a black hole. Although wait a minute …

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My Malthael is so OP that he actually sucks souls out of turrets.


There is an russian forum?

Ofc there is a german forum too.


My medivh is so OP, Aperture Science banned him.


My Murky is so OP, he hides his egg under the enemy fort.

My Hanzo is so OP, he studies advanced geometry.

My Misha is so OP, she lets Rexxar make the decisions just so you’ll have a fighting chance.

My Deathwing is so OP, he ignores his allies’ healing… because he makes the enemy team heal him.


Tassadar was so OP he was reworked.


My qhira is so OP that my final strike instnatly kills the core.
My Deathwing is so OP the enemy are Feared from level 1 to end of the game
My Ragnaros is so OP That when I smash I make hulk blush in envy.

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Zagara has become slightly ridiculous, based on the observation from two games. I stopped getting excited for new patches because this keeps happening with every hero they touch.

Read the room.