MVP screens still trolls players after all those years

The one player in the team the died the most, had always the worst positioning and made the team fight 4vs5 in ARAM half the match is the only one from the team showing up on the MVP screen because he secured some XP. While the other team did all sorts of crazy moves, CC’ed, killed, saved team mates and pushed towers. And none of them showed on the MVP screen.

I say it again: The MVP screen is one piece of the puzzle why this game ultimately failed. Giving the worst players a thumbs up and the rest that actually tried not, just encouraged the wrong behaviour in game and let to the downfall of game quality.

I also like it when the feeders, that always run straight into the whole enemy team, deal some damage and then die for nothing, show up on the MVP screen because they “tanked” so much damage. Yeah, losing 15 times the whole health pool running into the enemy is “tanking” in Blizzard’s terms.

Taking MVP sceen serious was your first mistake.


People still take the MVP screen seriously, instead of just a page where you can vote from 5 players?

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To say something ‘again’ you’d have to have said it in the first place…
You have a post history of 24 available posts of you complaining, and complaining about stuff you ‘should’ know better than for the years you’ve been posting, but of those, there isn’t a complaint about mvp. Maybe you uttered it under your breath and magically expected everyone else to have heard it, or maybe you have a bigger disconnect from ‘reality’ than you’re willing to consider, and that’s contributing to the frustrations you’re experiencing.

MVP has a known formula:

It tends to favor a player that tops a particular state, and then toss on a title with it.

It docks points for time spent dead, so if the person ‘dying the most’ is showing up on the screen, then the rest are lacking unique contributions and just become part of the same slurry of mundane contributions that complainers think they’re above, but rarely actually do.

With the emphasis on ‘unique’ and ‘top’ contributions, the idea is to highlight things people generally overlook when they’re caught up in antisocial loops that pretend no one else bothers to ‘contribute’. However, as a formulaic system, it means that it’s prone to patterns and abuse, which applies to pretty much everything as is.

However, people that don’t bother to learn about this stuff – esp in favor of looping complaints – tend to be offended by any and everything. If people ‘left’ over the MVP screen then they weren’t as skilled or knowledgable as they think they are and are just setting themselves up to be terrible and complain and leave all the other games they play; generally in a perpetual loop of ‘free’ games.