Murky reworkd idea

damage reduced by 100
time before detonation increased to 4
speed increased by a bit (this is the speed of the pufferfish itself you know how it takes time before it lands I want to reduce that by a bit)
damage to heroes reduced by 50%
baseline quest: every minion killed within 1 second of pufferfish detonation, will increase its health by 5

fish eye:
additional functionality can now spawn up to three decoys which benefit from the vision radius increase.
no longer reveals invisible heroes.
egg hunt removed
new talent sticky situation:
quest: collect 20 regen globes.
reward: slime’s slow is increased to 30%.

tufferfish new functionality:
increase health gained by each stack from 5 to 15.
slime time adjusted functionality:
quest: every time murky silmes heroes which are already slimed, its bonus damage is increased by 5.
living the dream adjusted functionality:
every 30 seconds murky is alive he gains 5% spell power up to 25% after reaching 25% spell power murky will no longer loose stacks.

rejuvenation bubble moved from 13
fish tank moved from 13 adjusted functionality:
slime will heal murky for 50% of the damage done.
new talent fish slap:
basic attacks will now heal murky by 10% of his max health.

octo grab:
octo grab’s damage will now count as basic attacks but will still deal only 1 damage.
march of the Murlocs adjusted functionality.
after 0.75 seconds, murky will command a legion of murlocs that will leap onto the first enemy hero or structure each murloc deals 65 damage and slows for 15% slow stacks up to 50% (if the target is hit by multiple murlocs) damage is doubled against heroes. march lasts until murky stops channeling (murky can’t move while channeling).

black lagoon moved from 7:
radius increased to 33%
slippery when wet moved from 7:
will now also increase the duration by 2 seconds and move speed will last for 2 additional seconds after exiting safety bubble but the speed is reduced to 30% (when in safety bubble it is still 50%).
egg shell removed
time to krill moved from 7 added functionality:
also, increases attack speed by 5 stacking up to 50% lasts for 5 seconds (duration refreshes when murky attacks obviously).
toxic buildup additional functionality:
health increased by 15%.
the slime is no longer untalented.
fish oil added functionality:
heroes will take additional damage from puffer fish equal to 10% of their max health.
wrath of cod removed
making inky moved from 20 adjusted functionality:
hitting a hero reduces slimes cooldown by 1 second.

R1 never-ending murlocs removed
new talent R1 murloc revolution:
passive: all minions will now change into murlocs, murlocs deal additionl damage and have a bit of extra health.
while channeling march of the morlocs murky will gain a shield equal to 65% of his max health.
R2 …and a shark too!
adjusted functionality:
damage dealt while channeling octo grab will now deal 200% of the normal basic attack damage (will still count as basic attacks).
passive: basic attacks will now deal 3% of the hero maximum health.
new talent fear the muloc:
hitting 2 enemy heroes with slime will make it deal 50% incresed damage, 3 or more will make it deal 100% increased damage, but hitting only one heroe will deal 50% of the normal damage.

the idea behind this rework is to make murkys abilities synergy more if you have any ideas for improvement or you think some of my ideas counteract eachother tell me but try to keep it in good spirit remember this is just an idea and not actually coming to hots so dont just yell “this is stupid this makes no sence change it you stupid”

Why though? It’s already best against minions and structures. Why punish Murky for trying to use it creatively on the offense?

Also, having an unpreventable bomb that clears waves and chunks structures for huge amounts is a terrible idea. Murky is extremely hard to force out of lane as is. Your best tool is currently denying Puffers, and you’re suggesting to remove that interaction.

Not a bad idea. Those two talents are pretty underpowered. That said, the vision radius does need a nerf, because having four GIANT wards is too much.

Meh. Generic, but it works. I’ve never been a fan of Slime Time.

Like I said, your Pufferfish change is a bad idea.

Compared to old Slime Time, you needed 15 hits to reach 125 damage. You would now need 25. Since it scales, that seems fair. However, I would put a cap on this, probably 25 still.

Lose not loose. Grumble grumble.

I’m mostly indifferent to this. Living the Dream doesn’t need a rework. It builds back up fast enough if you die. This would be a far less safe pick, which I’m not a fan of but might be on purpose?

I don’t get why you’ve done this. Either move all the defensive talents to 7 or keep them at 13. Don’t keep Time to Krill on the defensive tier, that makes no sense.

As for moving them all, whatever. You trade some early punch for some early survivability. I’m assuming this is to better synergize with new Living the Dream. This would hurt Murky’s midgame teamfights quite a bit, though.

50% may be a little high, but I’d welcome a buff. I’ve never picked this talent in my life.

Octo-grab is already the better Heroic. It doesn’t need synergies with talents.

So, basically putting Never Ending Murlocs on baseline and adding a stacking slow (and small damage nerf). Seems fine to me.

Black Lagoon already was a great talent. Also, that is a rather tiny buff. This is honestly really pointless.

Could’ve just wrote “Added Functionality: Gain 30% increased movement speed for 2 seconds after Safety Bubble ends”.

I’ve never liked this talent, but it is quite popular from what I’ve seen. I don’t think it needs a buff, but I also don’t think this would hurt.

Solid talent. With Time to Krill, Toxic Buildup, and this, you might be able to make an AA build work. It shouldn’t be on this tier, but put it with the other defensive talents, and it’s perfect.

I’d let the new healing talent and Time to Krill mellow before doing this. With extra attack speed and healing on hit, Toxic Buildup is going to be much stronger.

No. Fish Oil is Murky’s only way to poke enemies from range. It’s a great engaging tool to pre-Slime, to ward, to apply a slow, and to finish fleeing enemies. This takes away a tonne of utility from his kit.

This made my brain melt. It’s a little too complex, I think. It’s a global buff for every minion. It doesn’t have much to do with Murky’s playstyle or March of the Murlocs. Just focus on the shield part.

The shield is very underpowered right now, and could stand to be buffed. I could see it honestly at 100% of his health. You can’t pick it with Big Tuna Kahuna, and Egg Shell has never been a good talent.

…And a Shark, Too! needs a buff. It’s a total do-nothing talent.

I can’t imagine ever picking this. Murky is in his game in a 1v1, and even as the game ends I wouldn’t want to worsen that. Maybe it can close out a game, but Making Inky does that currently and does it more consistently.

Murky already has great synergy with his talents and skills. He’s a force to be reckoned with when unchecked. The problem is that he has no way to synergize with his team and has a plethora of hard counters.

This rework is mostly a talent shuffle. It doesn’t address Murky’s core issues. It’s fine for the most part, but largely superfluous


ok i played a lot of murky and i noticed it is so annoying while you are in lane almost any hero can just destroy your puffer fish than you dont get stacks of fishy deal and you are getting bullied in lane its so stupid to me that murky which is suppose to be the push master doest have a lot to offer in lane i thought about making pufferfish do no structure damage but that kinda ruins him ill be honest i had no idea what to do with tufferfish.

living the dream currently is pretty bad i really like the talent but its undepowered doing some of these small changes like changing the damage of march instead of 125 and 50% less on structures having it 65 and double against heroes which is basically the same thing but it makes living the dream synergize with march better at least in a push build kind of way.

the idea behind slippery when wet is a safety tool but now it can also be used as a tool to move fast between lanes.

your point with fish slap is solid ill see to it.

i think you are right about fish oil

murloc revolution is a global buff i kinda took this idea from a warcraft 3 mod i forgot what it was called the idea is that all minions get a small buff not something too op so in the long game unless someone pushes the waves they are going to pressure the enemy.
ill be honest i had no idea what to do with …and a shark too!.

making inky was moved to 16 to synergize with fear the morloc and now the cooldown reduction from making inky is based on heroes hit, i had another idea for fear the murloc that it will grant 100% increased damage if you can hit 3 heroes but this is not as fun.

I actually addressed most of the problems I saw with murky while playing with him I gave the slime build to give him more in team fights moving his safety talents to 7 is again another thing that will help him in team fights I always hate how you have to wait until 13 to get you stupid survivability talents this should help.
when it comes to push build I addressed some of the problems I saw with it living the dream should now be a solid talent for push build it will give less team fight potential than making inky but will still allow him to be in team fights without losing all his stacks also is synergizes well with march for a lot of pushing potential I also gave him an aa build.

To be honest for Murky, you have to pick your spots when you usually use Pufferfish. You’ve gotta expect that it can be destroyed if its not ignored.

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The biggest problem and at the same time the biggest solution is Black Lagoon!
Murky needs a bigger radius on his slime because otherwise it is a melee single target ability in pvp. A lot of heroes have hard-hitting melee autoattacks that can devastate Murky.

Black Lagoon enables him to kite his enemies, damage them as they might use cc to get away from murky and the little guy will not reach them, and also increases his suvivability.

Murky could really use Black Lagoon baseline.

Regarding Egg shell, it could use an additional passive like: Murky reveives 50% more shields. …And a shark too could lower enemies armour as the complaint is that it isn’t team helpfull.

i wanted to make 1 team fighting build and one soak build (which can still have something to offer to team fights) that is why black lagoon isnt a baseline about egg shell i kinda felt a bit lazy on that one so i removed it